[QUOTE="amourkiss"]some other game site do the comparison, too
but is it just me, or the PS3 version just looks as good as the 360 ?
so, I really don't know why people just keep saying miltiplatform games are "way better" on the 360 ?
Are you kidding, the PS3 versions of Enchanted Arms, Splinter Cell 4 and Fear are like rendered in N64, they are THAT blurry and without any detail Oblivion is way behind as well, ith far lower res textures, flat ground shaders or no ground shaders at all, terrible washed out colors, no AA, worst HDR, a pure disaster comparing to 360 vivid and smooth looking version with crisp texturesSorry dude but you fail. I have ALL versions of Oblivion and if you want the best go PC, otherwise the PS3 version is way better graphically, console wise. Were exactly are the low res textures? Every professional review that matters for Oblivion on the PS3 states it has better textures than the 360 version. So I guess all the profesional reviews are wrong right? The 360s textures are good but looking at them side by side Im sorry the PS3 verison wins, get over it. It does everything better, and runs ALOT smoother. Washed out colors..Please those are acurate colors compared to the colors that are so dark they almost bleed out of everything on the 360 version.
This is why system wars should be for idiots only. Why the hell I even post here baffles me. Its like 360 fanbots just have to win. Obliivon is better on the PS3 PERIOD. All the other ports though go to the 360 hands down. But saying they look like N64 graphics? Have you ever even seen a PS3 game up close? Your parents should have never been allowed to have children.....Just look at the end result. Friggin sad is what it is.
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