I have read many of your posts over the years, and you are one of many biased Lem posters on this board, what you fail to realize is all I did was state facts. SQUALL18 was WRONG, and you are defending Squall18 INACCURATE, poor post, that had a lie in it, and that doesn't bother you.
What bothers you is my post, full of facts.
It bothered you so much to call me names, but you couldn't actually dispute any of my large post, other than to call me a name. Yes, you are certainly more credible now.
Keep on pointing out fanboyism, and avoiding Squall18 and any other flawed posts.
What I did was point out facts, and it irked you, sir. Have a great day, I have all three, you do not, you aren't the most credible to begin with.
This thread is FILLED to the brim with INACCURATE and POOR posts, why don't you go point out that fanboyism, and you know, instead of knocking on the user, try actually knocking THEIR POST, like I did.
Keep on fighting that fight, you do it so well.
That's funny, because I've read many of your posts as well. Seems to me, for the most part, you're quick to defend the PS3 when the discussion involves the 360 as well. I mean just because you own all the systems, that doesn't mean you don't have a favorite. I was just pointing out your overreaction on what the TC had said. Did I ever actually, literally claim that he was right? And FYI, I own a PS2. Maybe I should add what I'm playing on it in my sig. Then, I won't be considered "lem" anymore, right? ;)
Was it an overeaction when I've seen Squall18's posting habits for some time? He is still incorrect (like a lot of his biased posts), and he hasn't edited, that's just how this place works. I haven't bashed any consoles, or come to the aid of any console bashers. While I might defend the PS3 in posts, especially here in SW, that's only because the lately, the very best trolling efforts have been consistantly coming at the PS3's or Wii's expense.
You don't see me posting in every PS3 thread, I just go to the game threads that interest me. I always have a point.After seeing the countless LBP Sales threads, I knew how this thread would play out. So, I came in this thread, seeing that Squall18 made it, and sure enough, he didn't dissappoint with an inaccurate comment. Knowing how this thread would play out, I made sure the rest of SW had facts to back it up before they went Apepoop. It didn't help, as you called me out for defending, instead of calling out Squall for being wrong.
Strangely, if I was wrong, I would have been called out. Not one person in this thread has called out Squall18, isn't that odd? He's clearly wrong.
You didn't claim he was right, but you did come after my post, even though I was factual. That means you quite literally were willing to overlook an error to call me out. You didn't have a problem with my post, just that I defended the PS3. Mind you, I certainly didn't bash the 360.
So, what's worse, a guy who defends constantly, or a guy that takes shots at systems?
My favorite system this Gen is 360 by the way, you can't judge a poster by his defense statements.
If you look at my post on page one, I simply am stating that SW is going to get carried away by NA numbers, and look at this thread, I was right. IT's only NA, I think we should all be concerned with the poor sales of GTA DS and Madworld, but for some reason KZ2 is the highlight of this thread.
Right now, PAGE ONE of SW is :
Multiplats are better on 360 thread
KZ2 Graphics not good thread
Should 3rd parties make PS3 games anymore
KZ2s Sales vs. GeoW Thread
FFXIII looks better on 360 thread.
Halo 3 has PERFECT gameplay
Xmen vs. Halo thread
KZ2 sales not Bad!! thread
Sad cutscenes thread
Madworld sales = 66,000 thread.
As you can see, the best trolls are on one side of the fence. While I won't go out and troll, I will make sure these efforts are curbed.
There's a lot of PS3 bashing 5 Threads, one PS3 defense thread, and the rest or whatever threads.
So, PS3 fans have to wait for Fanboys to swing at them, and if the PS3 fans start to defend themselves, they are fanboys? Why can't the guys taking the potshots be fanboys? Squall18 took a shot, he should be debating with you, not I. I merely pointed out his error, as he does them a lot.
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