Link to video
141frames dropped on ps4
Can somebody link for me
41dropped on xbone...
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Interesting I'll have to check out the video. He does some great work it seems. I found his video for adjusting display settings for getting the best picture possible very helpful (which seems like some people could use after seeing the Fallout 4 color thread).
I have aboit 10 hour in on xbox one. Not a single noticeable drop in framerate. And most importantly battles are smoothe. Unlike the ps4 with its choppy battles which kills the flow and mood of the game.
Bethesda games run like shit for Sony. It doesn't help that the PS4 has a CPU bottleneck that could choke a donkey.
Got the Xbox version for the free fallout three and mod support.
It runs like shit. Indoors is OK but go anywhere with a long distance view and it crawls to about 15 frames.
Yes it does stop for an entire second as reported. Hopefully it is patched soon.
Frame rate drops happen consistently on each system, work-arounds that reduce the issue involve getting a better HDD to reduce load times, like 7200RPM HDDs or solid state drives. That's just a temporary performance edge but doesn't eliminate the problem. These hiccups happen in the same places each time and I imagine they'll be patched to reduce its prevalence.
Digital Foundry already mentioned this first battle with the deathclaw as being an area where the XBO nails a solid 30fps and PS4 dips, where PS4 has an advantage over XBO is it doesn't dip as hard (but still dips) during those hiccup sections that consistently happen in the same spots when going into new areas. Personally, I'd rathe rhave one lousy fight that to have such sever dips the rest of the game, but surely this will all get patched while I'm playing Tomb Raider (I hope). I just hope I get to the game in time to exploit the infinite bottle caps glitch.
I watched the video somewhat and heard him see he analyzed 17K frames. That's about 9 minutes worth of gameplay. I don't think that's enough to make an informed report to be honest. He hasn't gone to densely populated areas like Diamond City yet, like DF does.
I have aboit 10 hour in on xbox one. Not a single noticeable drop in framerate. And most importantly battles are smoothe. which kills the flow and mood of the game.
How do you know? Did you buy two copies of the game and play it on both your Xbox and your PS4?
Digital Foundry exposed delighted. They have been pushing the PS4 way too much in their writing to be considered neutral. They even spend their time on Neogaf loving the feedback from PS4 fanboys.
Exposed how? What were they exposed doing?
DF - "Until Dawn Averages 20 FPS"
Lems - "HAHA PS4 is weak!"
DF - "Assassin's Creed gives about 3 frames better on average on the Xbox One"
Lems - "Dat CPU on the XBox One though"
DF - "Witcher 3 shows some performance problems in some areas for the PS4, but runs at a higher resolution"
Lems - "PS4 shows it's weakness once again!"
DF- "Xbox One performs slightly worse, although both platforms suffer from drops. Weird stutter glitch on Xbox One"
Lems - "DF is biased and have been exposed for the neogaf, Sony, PS4 lovers they are by a random youtuber!"
It's so fucking funny how delusional people are, defending a game with a ton of bugs because it gets maybe 3 FPS more on a specific console at a given time, but runs like shit for both in many areas because it's not finished properly.
It's funny how reliably Bethesda puts out unfinished games, on a old engine as well, I don't see what the excuse is.
It's so fucking funny how delusional people are, defending a game with a ton of bugs because it gets maybe 3 FPS more on a specific console at a given time, but runs like shit for both in many areas because it's not finished properly.
It's funny how reliably Bethesda puts out unfinished games, on a old engine as well, I don't see what the excuse is.
This. They spent 5 years working on an old engine and this is the best we get HAHAHA, Joke of a company. Frame rate is the least of this games problems.
DF - "Until Dawn Averages 20 FPS"
Lems - "HAHA PS4 is weak!"
DF - "Assassin's Creed gives about 3 frames better on average on the Xbox One"
Lems - "Dat CPU on the XBox One though"
DF - "Witcher 3 shows some performance problems in some areas for the PS4, but runs at a higher resolution"
Lems - "PS4 shows it's weakness once again!"
DF- "Xbox One performs slightly worse, although both platforms suffer from drops. Weird stutter glitch on Xbox One"
Lems - "DF is biased and have been exposed for the neogaf, Sony, PS4 lovers they are by a random youtuber!"
Seriously are you for real dude ?.. nice try tho.. just showing you aint any better, not that you said otherwise..
DF - "Until Dawn Averages 20 FPS"
Lems - "HAHA PS4 is weak!"
DF - "Assassin's Creed gives about 3 frames better on average on the Xbox One"
Lems - "Dat CPU on the XBox One though"
DF - "Witcher 3 shows some performance problems in some areas for the PS4, but runs at a higher resolution"
Lems - "PS4 shows it's weakness once again!"
DF- "Xbox One performs slightly worse, although both platforms suffer from drops. Weird stutter glitch on Xbox One"
Lems - "DF is biased and have been exposed for the neogaf, Sony, PS4 lovers they are by a random youtuber!"
Seriously are you for real dude ?.. nice try tho.. just showing you aint any better, not that you said otherwise..
Digital Foundry exposed delighted. They have been pushing the PS4 way too much in their writing to be considered neutral. They even spend their time on Neogaf loving the feedback from PS4 fanboys.
Exposed how? What were they exposed doing?
Claiming the PS4 was the smoother version with better frame rates. NXGAMER clearly shows in his video the drops are worse on PS4, it starts dropping at very start of the game and throughout. DF is pushing the PS4 version because they know who their audience is and who clicks on to their site.
He hasn't played through the game and only analyzed 9 minutes worth of footage. It's literally in his title "1st Contact" You can't make a claim about performance on any platform with just 9 minutes of gameplay in one area of the game.
lol Lems so da Butthurt with their Tin Foil Hats
bu..but the Xbox One has superior CPU supposed to run better than PS4 always
I've seen FO4 run on both consoles, and I have seen the full-second hiccup problem on XBox One. Never seen that on PS4.
Not like I care, I play FO4 on PC.
lol Lems so da Butthurt with their Tin Foil Hats
bu..but the Xbox One has superior CPU supposed to run better than PS4 always
tin foil hats you say ?, why is that, this just shows that it isnt an "xbox only" problem - but hey how am i kiddin' right ? :)
ps: only ones keeps saying "bu bu xb1 has better cpu, dx12, and so on - atleast on this site" is mostly cows, how come, are you really that insecure or what dude ?..
Digital Foundry exposed delighted. They have been pushing the PS4 way too much in their writing to be considered neutral. They even spend their time on Neogaf loving the feedback from PS4 fanboys.
I read in one of the comments that one of the guys from DF were talking about hating MS and how they shouldn't even make consoles, would love to see a link or screen cap to that shit. We all know the PS4 is the more powerful system, but the lengths the fanboys go to trashing the Xbox is ridiculous, they should be happy with what they have, not worried about everyone else.
Is anyone here watching the video? It clearly shows that the XboxOne version runs better. It's also funny how the guy in the video talks about the stuttering on the PS4, meanwhile DF tells us it's on the Xbox One version. (Still no problems on the Xbox One version here.) People claim that it's about 2 fps. It's not, the PS4 lowers it's framerate to 15 fps at moments as seen on multiple video's even on DF's video.
@Shewgenja might check this out.
The game is shit on both consoles. Stop supporting Besthesda's garbage. Looks like a PS360 game AND runs like dog shit and has the usual bugs/glitches associated with their trash.
So glad I didn't fall for the hype and pick this turd up.
I watched the video somewhat and heard him see he analyzed 17K frames. That's about 9 minutes worth of gameplay. I don't think that's enough to make an informed report to be honest. He hasn't gone to densely populated areas like Diamond City yet, like DF does.
True. Why isn't there anyone that does it properly, no bias, decent test, and just showing results. They don't even have to interpret them, just show them.
Never trust DF again. Darkx10 Tweet is amazing read it this is the kind of stuff you hear from PS4 fanboys
Yeah leta forget about Richard leadbetter article after article in favor of the xbox one even doing test using a 7850 to represent the xbox using tomb raider about how he claimed 1080p vs 900p was a massive difference becuase it was pc vs ps4 when it was ps4 vs xbox he even make an article downplaying resolution a dude who work for a site which reason of being is doing resolution tests and performance test.
So please stop dude df has beaing more than bias toward the xbox one as well dude ignoring missing elements on xbox one liak paralax mapping in thief .claiming no hbao for ps4 on need for speed when it was the xbox one version missing it and many more.
Bethesda games run like shit for Sony. It doesn't help that the PS4 has a CPU bottleneck that could choke a donkey.
Or that Bethesda write all their games primarily for Windows and Direct X. Hence it runs better on XBO. Same issue with Skyrim, Fallout 3 and Oblivion. Hell, they even ported skyrim to the bone just to test it out (notice that never happened with the PS4)
PS4 using OpenGL... totally different software and it gets poorly ported (but only slighly poorly).
Simple reasons for simple questions... nothing to do with your phantom bottleneck
Digital Foundry exposed delighted. They have been pushing the PS4 way too much in their writing to be considered neutral. They even spend their time on Neogaf loving the feedback from PS4 fanboys.
Exposed how? What were they exposed doing?
Claiming the PS4 was the smoother version with better frame rates. NXGAMER clearly shows in his video the drops are worse on PS4, it starts dropping at very start of the game and throughout. DF is pushing the PS4 version because they know who their audience is and who clicks on to their site.
If they didn't play the entire game. Why would you believe their analysis?
Some dude on YouTube is your difinative source? I can find some dude on YouTube who claims that their cat is Jesus reborn but that doesn't make it true lol!
Seriously though when are Xboners gonna come to grips with the fact that their console is a weak ass ghetto piece of shit? Seems like they're going hysterical ever since they found out that Halo 5 couldn't even sell a million copies. It's like they know the console is about to go under and they're making up fairy tales to try and convince people to buy that turd lol!
Confirmed better on current gen 8 console leader PS4.
Confirmed best on the PC.
PC wins again.
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