video game, animoo etc..
I still need to try the demo on Switch. I don't use it portable much, so I may get the full game on Steam if I like it.
This was a game I previously praised for its style and thought about getting if I ever got a switch. Don't need to now. May check this out.
Prob just gonna ignore it for a while, got all Trails games to shoot through. So much content in these games, some the mere price of a burger. It's outrageous really. Wrong.
I'll pick it up again. I never got around to finishing it, but i'm terrible for that with RPG's nowadays.
I've still never finished The Witcher 3, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Ys Origin and Dark Souls 1. I got some other JRPGs and CRPGs I haven't played yet either sitting in my backlog like the Wasteland series, Divinity Original Sin 1, Torment: Tides Of Numnera, Pillars Of Eternity and Final Fantasy 13. I think it's choice anxiety and how much time I'd have to invest in just playing them alone that makes me avoid them. So much easier to drop in and out of shorter and less complex single player games and not forget any mechanics or where I left off with the story in quests.
I've still never finished The Witcher 3, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Ys Origin and Dark Souls 1. I got some other JRPGs and CRPGs I haven't played yet either sitting in my backlog like the Wasteland series, Divinity Original Sin 1, Torment: Tides Of Numnera, Pillars Of Eternity and Final Fantasy 13. I think it's choice anxiety and how much time I'd have to invest in just playing them alone that makes me avoid them. So much easier to drop in and out of shorter and less complex single player games and not forget any mechanics or where I left off with the story in quests.
Yeah, they're huge time sinks... I think the older you get, then the less time you have to invest in singular games. Like you said, forgetting where I am and what's happened is a huge issue.
I still enjoy them when I can invest the time... This weekend I ran through Mankind Divided again (though it's on the shorter end,) but I really enjoyed the NG+.
When this comes to PS4, it will outsell PC and Switch combined.
We'll see about that.
When this comes to PS4, it will outsell PC and Switch combined.
I doubt it. This game only got swarmed on Switch because it was an exclusive at the time. Everyone else will fail to see the hype.
This game was really just ok. I watched one of my bros play through it, and the whole time, I could not stop thinking about how a game that is over 20 years old, SaGa Frontier, does everything this game is trying to do but so much better (besides voice acting)... and it's incomplete.
The animations are so much better, the battle system is more interesting (one downside is that in the English version of SaGa Frontier, the battle system is not intuitive due to poor translation), the music and sounds are better in SaGa Frontier, the writing is so so much better (seriously, how many times in Octopath does your character need to be backstabbed by someone they just met/trusted beforehand? Also Ophelia's sister is unbelievably stupid and her scenario overall has terrible writing. Even the scenery/graphics are better in SaGa Frontier!
In the English version, discovering what moves comboed into each other took a lot of observation as to how the move affected the enemy, and the result was always so rewarding. In the Japanese version, the names of the move indicated this. This allowed you to kill enemies much stronger than your party, keeping your 'battle rank' low, thus allowing you to encounter more rare enemies.
Check this video out for how this game looked if you knew what you were doing.
I could go on. Overall Octopath is still a good game, but it's baffling how the standards have shifted. Why was this game celebrated so much while SaGa Frontier wasn't? It was decades ago that Saga Frontier released, and its still a better game. Was it because Octopath is a Switch game? What's the explanation for this?
EDIT: I should make a thread about this.
Great game, loved it on the switch
Fun turn based rpg, if you have a PC give it a shot.
Personally I wouldnt get it on my pc, game plays great in portable, now that i think of it i dont get any turn based games on pc or home consoles, I always get them on portable systems
@X_CAPCOM_X: Pretty sure people love it because it harkens back to classic Square.
Maybe. This isn't the only game that got this sort of treatment. As awesome as Mega Man 11 is, it's just an inferior version of Mega Man 8, which was *panned* by critics. Now, essentially a stripped-down version of the same game releases and it's celebrated.
Another SaGa Frontier clip here. Don't click it if you don't want the last boss to one of the scenarios spoiled/you plan to play through. Just look at the stuff that's going on! It knocks your socks off. It's also one of the more tame scenarios! Octopath doesn't do anything like this!
If you didn’t play this on the Switch and you like the 16 bit gen JRPG’s then this is a must play on any platform. If you don’t like old school JRPG games stay clear lol.
PS4 begging please.
It could come to PS4/Xbox One at a later date but who knows? Square-Enix owns the IP. At the current time though, I think it'll just be on Switch and PC...for now at least.
I already play it on Switch and will buy it again on PC.
It's probably coming to the quad and the bone as well people.
Would rather have it on PC anyway.
Actually I would rather have SaGa Frontier complete edition. And Xenogears complete edition. On the PS1. One can dream.
I've still never finished The Witcher 3, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Ys Origin and Dark Souls 1. I got some other JRPGs and CRPGs I haven't played yet either sitting in my backlog like the Wasteland series, Divinity Original Sin 1, Torment: Tides Of Numnera, Pillars Of Eternity and Final Fantasy 13. I think it's choice anxiety and how much time I'd have to invest in just playing them alone that makes me avoid them. So much easier to drop in and out of shorter and less complex single player games and not forget any mechanics or where I left off with the story in quests.
Yeah, they're huge time sinks... I think the older you get, then the less time you have to invest in singular games. Like you said, forgetting where I am and what's happened is a huge issue.
I still enjoy them when I can invest the time... This weekend I ran through Mankind Divided again (though it's on the shorter end,) but I really enjoyed the NG+.
I'm trying to mentally prepare myself to get back into those games. I've invested over 14+ hours into both Deus Ex: HR and The Witcher 3, starting from the beginning for games like that especially with your choices heavily changing the impact of future events is a nope for me. It also takes some of the fun out of doing a second or third run. Fortunately Deus Ex HR only takes about 30 hours to complete the main story since I've already beaten Barrett that means I'm about 2/3s away from completion. The Witcher 3 I've barely scratched the surface of. It takes around 50 hours to complete the main story alone. I still ain't found the Baron's wife T_T.
Recently getting a gaming laptop has made me more willing to game, I can carry my progress with me instead of having to wait till I get home. Only spending an hour a day for those types of games made me less willing to play them because I feel like I need to invest at least 2 hours to feel like I made a dent and and find a good place to stop at which is usually the beginning or end of a quest. I don't like stopping in the middle.
I mean I still would like to play it, but I still haven't been compelled enough by it. I'm sure OT has its moments, but I think they could have made a better old-school JRPG.
I played through the first mission of one character. I could easily sit and play more of the game right now with the demo. I would just rather play other games. So, that's why this game is still not in my collection. That and, the $60 price tag. Switch games are too expensive.
The demo bored the hell out of me. Good for PC gamers. Another game to put those high end graphics card to the test.
Only the pathetic losers that can't put a PC together feel emotionally damaged and need put a negative spin on this
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