Ok, I know most of you who have read my threads think I only bash Nintendo. I bash all systems. Lately, yes...it has been Nintendo. And I really :lol: at anyone who thinks I hate the Wii or don't own one. That is where all of you who say I'm a "Wii hater" are wrong. People saying I don't own a Wii are wrong. I can fully see why it would appear that way though.I know I'm a very negative person. Unfortunately, I can't help that.I'm going to explain why I make negative threads about a system I own.
I have negative threads about Wii because I am frustrated. Do I like the games? Yes, some of them. But the reason I am frustrated is becausea majority of the ones I've played are, IMO, terrible. And it is not the Wii's fault. I fully recognize that. It is the 3rd party devs fault for not putting forth the effort to make decent games on Wii. There are exceptions, but the bad games far outweigh the good. Whether it is sloppy controls, worse graphics than PS2, whatever...it is always something. I can't help but be negative.
And what is up with Nintendo saying "We are serious about online but gamers haven't recognized it yet" or something to that effect at E3? That is BS, and most people know that. Having the next Mario Kart be online is great and all. But don't think for a solitatry second that Nintendo is serious about online when that game doesn't even come out until 2008. Maybe by then they will be serious. But, seriously...it is getting ridiculous now. I want Wii to succeed. I just want 2 things to happen, and that is it. I don't feel like I'm being harsh or picky.
Here are the 2 things I want to happen...1 of those things has already happened...
1.I want Wii to sell well.
2. I want Wii to have a great variety of games in all genres and I want games in all genres to have great titles.
Is my number 2 point too dang much to ask for? Is it really?PS2 had a huge library of games. It looks like Wii is set to have a huge library of games. PS2 does have a whole lot of bad games. But you know what? In nearly every genre, PS2 has great titles to choose from...especially RPGs (which I really like). Now, Wii is going to have a huge library of games...no doubt. But I really worry thatthe majority ofgames are going to be half-assed attempts from 3rd parties.
And this is why I worry about this. This is my opinion.
There are4 reasons IMO that 3rd parties don't want to develop for Wii, or putnearas much effort into Wii development as 360 and/or PS3
1.I think that 3rd parties want to utilize the power of the 360 and PS3 knowing that those platforms have better physics, graphics, sound, etc. Developers want to use their talents to broaden the horizon of gaming. I know it can be broadened by Wii controls. Developers feel like they are taking a step BACKWARDS in time. They know fullwel that porting 3rd party games for Wii is a pain in the ass. It HAS TO BE. "But, but, but Wii is sooooo easy to develop for AvidGamer!". It may be easier to develop for than 360 and PS3 when a game is EXCLUSIVE TO WII, but what about ports? I don't think so...I think it would be much harder to develop ports for Wii having to downgrade everything (except for controls...but even those end up downgraded thanks to 3rd parties), graphics, sound, etc.
2. The Wii controls. I like Wii controls when developers try. That means, basically, 1st party devs. I know full well that Wii has all the potential in the world with the controls. I honestly think Wii controls are more fun to use than 360 controls when those controls are 1st party tailored. I don't own a PS3, so I can't judge that. HOWEVER...3rd party devs MUST IMO have something against Wii controls. Most 3rd party devs don't put forth NEAR as much effort as a 360 and/or PS3 game. Not even close. Just look at Ubisoft. Sheep should be very angry with Ubisoft. Other than Rayman, what other Wii games has Ubisoft offered that are even on the verge of just "average". NONE. The other games are very, very bad. You can argue that Ubisoft has bad ports in general, but come on now. Ubisoft ports for Wii are MUCH, MUCH worse than their other ports.
3.Developers are scared to death of competing with Nintendo 1st party software to begin with and are afraid of bad 3rd party software sales. Just look at what happened to Gamecube. You can argue all you want that 3rd party devs left Gamecube because it was in last place in sales. Ok...but Gamecube was barely behind Xbox when 3rd parties abandoned Gamecube. That is the truth. Just look at the hardware sales. So, why did 3rd parties leave GC? Why was there no Burnout 3 on GC or other hot 3rd party games during that time? Because 3rd parties recognized that they COULD NOT COMPETE WITH THE SALES OF NINTENDO'S 1st party software!
4. Not facing the reality of the situation...
Do you understand this? The damage from that has come to the Wii era, and 3rd parties are still afraid of their software selling vastly inferior to Xbox 360 and PS3. And why shouldn't they be? This has been the trend since N64. So...in essence, this is yet ANOTHER REASON for the crappy graphics that aren't even PS2 quality most of the time, as well as sloppy controls.
Understand this...MANY 3RD PARTIES DON'T WANT TO EVER PUT IN NEAR AS MUCH EFFORT INTO A WII GAME AS THEY WOULD A 360 GAME AND/OR PS3 game. It doesn't matter that PS3 is selling the worst. The stigma from last generation is still ingrated into the 3rd party devs' minds. And that is this...PS1 and PS2 3rd party software sold AMAZINGLY WELL. Xbox and Xbox 360 software is selling AMAZINGLY WELL. N64 and GC software sold VERY POORLY.
Therefore, 3rd parties who are developing for Wii are FEARFUL ofpoor sales. So, they DON'T WANT TO SPEND THE TIME, EFFORT, OR MONEY on Wii games. They FEAR that 1st party software...just like with N64 and GC era...will once again rule the roost and that their own 3rd party games will sell poorly. There it is is folks, like it or not. This explains sloppy ports, bad controls, bad graphics, etc. This is different than my number 3 point, because it has to do with the stigma of Sony and Microsoft consoles having amazing 3rd party sales, while Nintendo in the past has not.
"We don't care AvidGamer!" "You take this way too seriously AvidGamer!" That's fine...You are entitled to your opinion as I am entitled to mine. But don't think for a second I have no clue what I'm talking about. I know I bring up good points. And if I really didn't give a crap about Nintendo, do you REALLY think I would put in this much time and effort to post about them here? Think about that...and think about this. Consider that 3rd party devs feel like they are "being held back" by developing for Wii. Consider that 3rd party devs are "fearful of 1st party Nintendo 1st party sales and are afraid they can't compete". Consider that PS1, PS2, Xbox, and Xbox 360 ALL HAD GREAT SALES FROM 3RD PARTIES WHILE NINTENDO DID NOT. Consider that analysts are STILL UNDER THE IMPRESSION THAT PS3 will sell the best when it is all said and done. Maybe 3rd parties are under that same impression? Consider that sheep...
I've read this before on both fronts..."Aren't you a sheep?" is what is asked when I'm "bashing" the Wii. Then the other 2 statementsare..."You are a fanboy who doesn't even own a Wii" and "You hate the Wii". Guess what? You are all wrong...
So, go ahead and flame this thread...heck...all my other threads have been lately anyway. Go ahead and tell me I'm sooooo wrong about my opinion on all this. But, PLEASE DO THIS! PLEASE tell me WHY my opinion is wrong. Flame me all you want, but give a GOOD EXPLANATION of why my opinion is ridiculous and why I'm sooooo off-base here. I'd like to here it. Because, lately...at least in most of my threads as of late...I just get flamed with no good comeback. I just get called names and whatnot or my favorite..."Another AvidGamer Nintendo-hating thread". Fine if you feel that way, but back up your claims. Back up the reasons why I'm soooo wrong about everything, then give me feedback. Or are you just going to flame me again as usual without any feedback or worthwhile response?
My threads may or may not be absolutely ridiculous. My opinions may not be "the norm". You may HATE my threads with a passion. But PLEASE!! While flaming me...give me solid reasons WHY I AM WRONG instead of this...."I HATE YOUR THEADS AvidGaMeR444!" without any explanation at all. Or my favorite..."AvidGamer claims to have a crystal ball".Geez! It is another way of saying that I have an opinion! See, when most people give their opinions in System Wars, it is fine and dandy. But not with my threads! Oh no...not with AvidGamer's awful, awful threads of ridiculousness. When I say "I have a crystal ball" it is a joke! Get it? I am being sarcastic or whatever you want to call it. I am not being serious. I try not to be too serious in System Wars. But occasionally, I feel like I have to be to get my point across.
Yes,this is a HUGE WALL OF TEH DREADED TEXT! OH NOEZ!At least I have paragraphs...
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