Read this. doubt they'll use Blu-ray, isn't that a Sony trademark? Maybe they'll create a new type of Media like they're doing with the Wii-U.
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Read this. doubt they'll use Blu-ray, isn't that a Sony trademark? Maybe they'll create a new type of Media like they're doing with the Wii-U.
I doubt they'll use Blu-ray, isn't that a Sony trademark? tjricardo089How do you think Panasonic makes Blu-Ray players? They have to pay licensing fees, some of which may go to Sony (I don't remember the specifics of this) but it's not at all unlikely.
It's standard on PC and with consoles trying to be more and more like PCs it's obviously not impossible.No used games...doubtful. It would be really hard to do unless you enter a code every time you put a new game on the system. People aren't going to put up with that crap.
People are complaining about not having used games then they realized that the PC always had this.XenogearsMasterThat's nonsense. How old are you? PC games used to have some kind of copy protection by asking you stuff from the manual before you could start a game but that didn't have an effect on used games. I still have my Monkey Island code wheel.
It would effect you whether you like or not. For it not to effect you then you would have to buy every game at launch.rasengan2552What stops you from buying a game new some time later when its price dropped? On Amazon you can basically get all games new for less than the retail price. But yeah, I agree. No used games would be a huge turn-off for me as well. What also would bother me is if they really made the controller smaller. I prefer the 360 controller because it is bigger and fits my hands better than the dualshock.
I don't usually come to Microsoft's defense, but in this case, it is warranted. I remember back before the PS3 launched there were a ton of rumors that it would not be able to play used games. It was an unsubstantiated rumor but it freaked a lot of people out. I'm going to take this with a big spoonful of salt.
. I'm going to take this with a big spoonful of salt.Shewgenjametaphorically, wouldn't that mean you're taking this news seriously ? iunno :)
but yeah its gotta be BS.
[QUOTE="nintendoboy16"]"No-used games?" Yeah, no thanks, MS.CaseyWegner
it would be like pc gaming these days.
Only MS would have a monopoly on the price. There's more than one DD service for pc.
Highly doubt it.
Why all of a sudden?
I've been playing used games during the glory days of mom&pop video stores and Blockbuster Video. And nobody, not even developers were complaining about it. Even though I prefer my games brand new, used games gives gamers the opportunity to catch up on older games no longer available brand new at retail.
Just take it with a grain of salt, guys.
No used game sales? Sounds like they want to create a whole new crop of console pirates. This oughta be interesting.
It's not the pirates they need to worry about. It's the devaluing of their product, resulting in poor hardware and software sales.No used game sales? Sounds like they want to create a whole new crop of console pirates. This oughta be interesting.
Maybe there will be no more online passes, but instead a code to play online that is tied to xboxlive which is only for new copies.
[QUOTE="Brendissimo35"]It's not the pirates they need to worry about. It's the devaluing of their product, resulting in poor hardware and software sales.No used game sales? Sounds like they want to create a whole new crop of console pirates. This oughta be interesting.
Well that too, but as I understand it, the reason why a lot of console games don't pirate is not necesarially because they don't know how (they might and many probably do pirate movies, tv, music, etc., like a vast number of people these days), but that they don't have a reason to, since it's easier to borrow a copy than to pirate on a console. Take that ease away, and you'll have more piracy.
This. The only way they could combat used game sales effectively and honestly is by only releasing their game direct to drive downloads or installation discs. If they did this then they would have to have a very large HDD to support that much storage.Blu-ray and Kinect 2 were pretty much guarenteed.
However the no-used games is probably not going to happen. Aftermarket game sales drive console sales.
I heard on IGN as well that it is rumored to be 6 times more powerful, but who knows yet. I find it funny at Lems who always downplayed Blu Ray and said it was useless, well guess what? You guys are idiots! You'll love it and Blu Ray and it is the industry STANDARD ever since the PS3 introduced it. I am a bit surpiesed by the no used games idea, the only way they could do this would be to use product codes like PC or as someone else said, tieit to their XBL account (which will probably be even more of a rip off next gen then it is now)
Either way that is downright stupid and it will put many used game stores out of business which means less jobs, andthat means that you can't share them with your friends or family or sell it if you don't like it, basically you don't really "own" anything.I expect Sony to do something similar but more with online pass. Let's just hope that the next Xbox is more than just Kinect 2.0 and actually has some good games instead of the crap that MS is throwing out for the 360.
All I can say is that Ipray to God that the "no used games" policy isn't true because it if is then there is no way in hell I would be buying the next Xbox system!
lemmings are sh!tting themselves over a rumor!
my god this is hilarious.
1st the Radeon HD 6670 & now no more used games... Like I mentioned before, I don't know if this just bad luck or karma for those Vita FAIL/Sony is Doomed threads. I don't believe this for a second, but if this sh1t happens and WORKS, I see Sony and Nintendo following suit as well..
Blu-ray will happen. Kinect 2.0 integrated in the system will probably happen.
No used games...doubtful. It would be really hard to do unless you enter a code every time you put a new game on the system. People aren't going to put up with that crap. Sure once in awhile no big deal, but with every game. All MS would be doing is shooting themselves in the foot. I know lots of people who only buy used games.
Funny, people said the same thing about XBL fees and they said it again when rumors (rumors that turned out to be true) were going around that they were going to raise the price of Gold, and did people put up with that crap? Yes, yes they did.
Blu-ray will happen. Kinect 2.0 integrated in the system will probably happen.
No used games...doubtful. It would be really hard to do unless you enter a code every time you put a new game on the system. People aren't going to put up with that crap. Sure once in awhile no big deal, but with every game. All MS would be doing is shooting themselves in the foot. I know lots of people who only buy used games.
Funny, people said the same thing about XBL fees and they said it again when rumors were going around that they were going to raise the price of Gold, and did people put up with that crap? Yes, yes they did.
And it always would annoy me hearing the "if you don't like it don't buy it" attitude that they all had. As if the people against weren't being affected.
It actually kinda-sorta makes sense. XBL and digital distribution are going to be an even bigger focus next gen for MS, so it's concievable that they would go to a Steam-type system where any game you buy is tied to your account. You'd lose the ability to buy used or trade games, but you'd gain the ability to redownload your game whenever and wherever you want (and, potentially, the ability to buy a multiplat on Xbox and play it on PC as well).
Blu-ray will happen. Kinect 2.0 integrated in the system will probably happen.
No used games...doubtful. It would be really hard to do unless you enter a code every time you put a new game on the system. People aren't going to put up with that crap. Sure once in awhile no big deal, but with every game. All MS would be doing is shooting themselves in the foot. I know lots of people who only buy used games.
Funny, people said the same thing about XBL fees and they said it again when rumors were going around that they were going to raise the price of Gold, and did people put up with that crap? Yes, yes they did.
And it always would annoy me hearing the "if you don't like it don't buy it" attitude that they all had. As if the people against weren't being affected.
The XBL fee is one of the biggest rip offs in the industry and it just gives others an excuse to do the same. I honestly believe that if XBL was free then we wouldhave never seen over priced map packs or Games on Demand or day 1 DLC or any of that other crap that sh!itty devs get away with. And what's worse is watching as some people try and defend this, they puta giant corporation ahead of their own best interestes.
I try to avoid talking about XBL anymore because so many people try so hard to defend it and I just feel bad about it. There is asolutely ZERO reason for MS to charge you, it's just P2P over your own internet. Lems can hide behind cross game chat and parties all they want to, but I can gurantee you that if MS let Silver members play online for FREE most of these Lems would drop Gold and just stick with Silver. I doubt they care about cross chat and parties as much as they say they do, it's not worth paying for and they know it, especially at $60.
That's why PSN will always be better than XBL for the sole reason thatit's FREE, which is the main function of an online gaming service, to let you play your games over your own internet.
Funny, people said the same thing about XBL fees and they said it again when rumors were going around that they were going to raise the price of Gold, and did people put up with that crap? Yes, yes they did.
And it always would annoy me hearing the "if you don't like it don't buy it" attitude that they all had. As if the people against weren't being affected.
The XBL fee is one of the biggest rip offs in the industry and it just gives others an excuse to do the same. I honestly believe that if XBL was free then we wouldhave never seen over priced map packs or Games on Demand or day 1 DLC or any of that other crap that sh!itty devs get away with. And what's worse is watching as some people try and defend this, they puta giant corporation ahead of their own best interestes.
I try to avoid talking about XBL anymore because so many people try so hard to defend it and I just feel bad about it. There is asolutely ZERO reason for MS to charge you, it's just P2P over your own internet. Lems can hide behind cross game chat and parties all they want to, but I can gurantee you that if MS let Silver members play online for FREE most of these Lems would drop Gold and just stick with Silver. I doubt they care about cross chat and parties as much as they say they do, it's not worth paying for and they know it, especially at $60.
That's why PSN will always be better than XBL for the sole reason thatit's FREE, which is the main function of an online gaming service, to let you play your games over your own internet.
I've been on it since the beginning. The original box said things along the lines of "get free content". The advertising made it seem as though the downloads would be included in the $50 price tag. And lets be fair, it takes some money to get a service like that started.
Thats about as stupid as charging you to play your already bought game online.........oh wait :lol:
alot of lems in here saying "MS isn't that stupid" yet paying to play games online is stupid and lemmings have been doing it for 2 gens now. No, MS isn't stupid but they have found out that most of their fans are. It's only natural for MS to test the limits of their fans stupidity by seeing what they can get away with. I could totally see MS doing this because lemmings have supported everything they have done in the past.
Just look at how lems rabidly defend paying for XBL, a service that every other gamer gets for free. This is what gives MS the confidence to try something like this.
This is actually quite comical, lemmings :o No way will MS do dat...NO WAY!
Oh look at the wittle twoll. He can't make stupid fanboy topics anymore and so he's stuck here just making stupid fanboy posts. So cute!lemmings are sh!tting themselves over a rumor!
my god this is hilarious.
considering how dev's are trying to push against used games, it wouldnt come as any surprise if this happened.
This might be good for developers but it would be bad for the consumers. Sure, there would be plenty of 3rd party developers lining up to make games on the next MS console but it would be bad for MS who would suffer from consumers not wanting to buy something that limits their choice of buying games. MS won't do this.considering how dev's are trying to push against used games, it wouldnt come as any surprise if this happened.
[QUOTE="razgriz_101"]This might be good for developers but it would be bad for the consumers. Sure, there would be plenty of 3rd party developers lining up to make games on the next MS console but it would be bad for MS who would suffer from consumers not wanting to buy something that limits their choice of buying games. MS won't do this. Why would 3rd party developers flock to a system with a small userbase? This type of system would only work if every console implemented a similar anti-used game DRM and that would completely eliminate the only advantage console gaming still has over the PC. I would be completely done with consoles if the second-hand market goes away.considering how dev's are trying to push against used games, it wouldnt come as any surprise if this happened.
Thats about as stupid as charging you to play your already bought game online.........oh wait :lol:
alot of lems in here saying "MS isn't that stupid" yet paying to play games online is stupid and lemmings have been doing it for 2 gens now. No, MS isn't stupid but they have found out that most of their fans are. It's only natural for MS to test the limits of their fans stupidity by seeing what they can get away with. I could totally see MS doing this because lemmings have supported everything they have done in the past.
Just look at how lems rabidly defend paying for XBL, a service that every other gamer gets for free. This is what gives MS the confidence to try something like this.
This is actually quite comical, lemmings :o No way will MS do dat...NO WAY!
Yep you are right on the money,I said something similar aswell. If people honestly don't think MS won't try something like this they are being rediculousy naive, I remember when there were rumors going on around here that MS would be raising the price of Gold memberhsip and all these people were saying"it's just a rumor, MS isn't stupid, they won't do that" well guess what? We all know what happened. Those rumors turned out to be true, and you all put up with it and some of you poor idiots even tried to DEFEND it.
This is MS we are talking about here, you do realise what that means right? You guys put up with MS sh!t like XBL fees and lack of exclusives, so what's to stop MS from doing this? Nothing that's what, because they know you guys will just keep on taking their crap forever. You only have yourselves to blame for this.
It's the cold hard truth wether you want to admit it or not.
[QUOTE="Frostbite24"][QUOTE="razgriz_101"]This might be good for developers but it would be bad for the consumers. Sure, there would be plenty of 3rd party developers lining up to make games on the next MS console but it would be bad for MS who would suffer from consumers not wanting to buy something that limits their choice of buying games. MS won't do this. Why would 3rd party developers flock to a system with a small userbase? This type of system would only work if every console implemented a similar anti-used game DRM and that would completely eliminate the only advantage console gaming still has over the PC. I would be completely done with consoles if the second-hand market goes away. They would flock initially because it would mean the games on that platform they would develop for would be guaranteed to not be diminished because of used game sales. Obviously eventually when the platform stopped being viable they would stop...considering how dev's are trying to push against used games, it wouldnt come as any surprise if this happened.
ya companies keep trying to take away the rights from the consumer. I love having the freedom to trade games with friends or at stores. One thing i hate about pc is how little you can do with a game after your done with it. Thats one main reason why i hate DD. Unless the game is at a huge discount i rather buy a hard copy. But taking away freedom from us is not fair. Eb games and used game stores and rental services will be up in arms and might not even sell 720 stuff in protest.
That is a great point, if the now used game feature is true, I could see GameStop not selling Microsoft consoles and products and heavily promote the Wii-U and Playstation 4 instead, which would be a huge blow to the success of the system.
I instantly call BS on this article for the "No-Used" Games nonsense.
Half if not Most of the Xbox Community plays Used Games. That's some serious backlash waiting to happen.
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