I know System Wars likes to read "best of" lists and then tear them apart so why not toss this info out there.
I'll give you the top ten...
1. Halo: Combat Evolved
2. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
3. Mass Effect
4. Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
5. Halo 2
6. Gears of War
7. Fallout 3
8. Rockband 2
9. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
10. Grand Theft Auto 4
eh... what the heck, I'll give you the next 10 as well...
11. Chronicals of Riddick (Xbox)
12. Bioshock
13. The Orange Box
14. Left 4 Dead
15. Ninja Gaiden Black
16, Braid
17. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivian
18. Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter
19. Dead Rising
20. Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30
21. Burnout 3
22. Halo 3
23. SF IV
24. Fable 2
25. Mirrors Edge
26. GHII
27. Peggle Deluxe
28. GTA: Double Pack
29. Fight Night 3
30. Uno
31. Civ Rev.
32. Crimson Skies
33. RE5
34. Halo Wars
35. Grid
36. Condemned
37. Assassins Creed
38. Crackdown
39. Prince of Persia: SOT
40. Saints Row 2
41. Geometry Wars: RE
42. Psychonauts (shoulda been higher)
43. Star Wars: Jedi Knight 2: JO
44. Top Spin 3
45. Dirt
46. Rainbow 6: 3
47. Hitman 2: Silent Assassin (one of the worst games I've ever played)
48. Forza 2
49. Tiger Woods 08
50. Tales of Vesperia
51. NHL 09
52. Viva Piniata
53. Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow
54. Burnout Paradise
55. Gears 2
56. KOTOR2
57. Need for Speed: MW
58. Hexic HD
59. Catan
60. Breakdown
61. Skate
62. PGR3
63. Marval: UA
64. Soulcaliber 4
65. Bomberman live
66. Prey
67. MVP 05 (still the best baseball game ever, should be much higher)
68. Lost Planet (worst game this generation IMO, terrible)
69. Silent Hill 2
70. SSX 3
71. Thief: DS
72. Conker
73. Unreal Championship 2
74. GTA: San andreas (def. not as good as vice city)
75. Jet Set Radio Future
76. Gun
77. Lego Star Wars: complete saga
78. Scene it?
79. Tomb Raider: Legend
80. Hitman: Blood Money
81. Splinter Cell Double Agent
82. Mortal Kombat Armageddon
83. Mech Assault
84. XIII (very underrated)
85. Dead or Alive Ultimate
86. Full Spectrum Warrior (frustrating award... hated this one.)
87. Otogi: Myth of Demons
88. Madden 09
89. Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (god I wanted to like this game and just couldn't)
90. WWE Smackdown 09 (really?)
91. Rainbow 6 Vegas (best in series in my opinion, should be higher)
92. Oddworld: Strangers Wrath
93. Retern to castle wolfentstien
94. Deus EX: Invisible War (personal favorite... should be much higher)
95. Fight Night Round 4
96. Links 04
97. Splinter Cell (seriously, there just isnt 96 games better than this game... maybe 5)
98. Max Payne
99. Undertow
100. Final Fantasy XI (eh... really?)
Your welcome....
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