then they contradict themselves..because I also read this:
""Microsoft is too dependent on the third-party community, and Nintendo is too depended on first-party. We like to feel that we got a pretty good mix.""
How is that a contradiction? That's a different statement altogether. I don't know where and when Sony said that, but just reading your paraphrase of the situation :
It means Sony perception is that Sony themselves are not RELYING on Sony's very own giant 1st Party as much as Nintendo relies on their 1st Party.
Those two statements can work in parallel, easily.
When you look at 3rd Party games like :
Resident Evil 5, Fallout 3, Oblivion, Street Fighter 4, Lost Planet 2, or whatever, you can see these 3rd Party games are NOT on Wii, which is clearly what Sony means.
look I don't know the exact number, but it's a huge list of first party titles Nintendo has. After all, if they didn't have them, they'd suck so badly this gen, because of the lack of third party support.
I can agree that Sony has mainly first party devs that focus on quality games, while Nintendo's are a mix of quantity and quality..maybe there's more quantity, but anyway, you have countless games that are not third parties.
Instead Ms sucks when it comes to 1st party games.. they really count too much on third support, they're always writing cheques in order to get the game, therefore they don't show the same passion for gamings as Sony and Nintendo do.
I'm not saying anything bad about Nintendo, I was only explaining to the TC how Sony managed this feat. I'm sure that in the M$ and Nintendo combined statement, most likely it would be a 90% Nintendo, 5=10% M$ kinda balance.
I'm not saying who has the Most 1st Party IP's, just what I read about how many studios Sony has cranking to manage a feat of getting so many AAAE's out in such a short time.
M$ check writing for timed DLC & timedgames certainly allowed Sony this leverage, but M$ seems content with their money, so Sony's Gaming catalog may not matter overall to M$. The gamers ultimately decide the fate of all three companies gaming divisions in the sales arena. :)
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