I mean, the PC/360 platforms pushed over 2 million ME2 units. Remember what happened with Ninja Gaiden. sure it was best on PS3, but it sold poorly.
I'm not sure I understand EA's strategy. I'd just wait and release this game a few months before 3 comes out. I seriously doubt it's gonna sell well
Then again, I could be wrong. What do ya'll think.
TC, the PC version of Mass Effect 1 was a late port, how did the recently released ME2 PC sales perform? ;) IT's as simple as that.
I understood and understand their strategy perfectly. It's very simple. It's about MAPPING out the future of the franchise.
Unlike Ninja Gaiden, ME was a planned Trilogy and a planned universe ready for rapid expansion.
Although historically LATE ports don't sell well (that's not going to change anytime soon including this late port), and Bioware and EA are doing their best to ensure this Late Port ME possibly sells better than history has shown us...the real reason why this game is coming to PS3 is for ME3 and future ME games. It's all about EXPOSING the Playstation audience to the Mass Effect game series, so the future ME games will sell much better.
Mass Effect 3 is going to sell so much better due to this move. Will it outsell the established 360/PC audience, probably not. Will ME3 sell better than late port ME2 on PS3, most assuredly. This also all just comes down to EA's fiscal bottom line.
EA btw, would have NEVER made this a 360 only game if they owned Bioware before this franchise came out. EA bought Bioware, ensured Mass Effect came out on PC and now they are directing efforts to PS3. In fact, I remember a thread similar to this one asking about why the EA wanted a PC port of Mass Effect in SW back in the day. This is just a new platform for EA to expand upon, and the PS audience is ripe for expansion. Remember, the PS3 is only 2.9 million units behind the 360's install base. The PS3, like the 360, has over 40+ million consumers for Mass Effect to be introduced too. EA makes it's profits from being a multiplatform company. They are Platform agnostic, and reap the profits because their games grace so many consoles and various systems.
Now you got your answer and understanding that you craved.
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