@kingtito: I was gonna pull an all-nighter devoting few hours to both Fallout 4 and Rise of the Tomb Raider, then work called like "can you come in tomorrow, 6am"... aw man, so I held off playing so I can start fresh today when I get home.
As for PS4, I actually don't mind look of Black Ops 3 bundle either (like the orange touches), just I've no interest in Black Ops 3 (if I did it would be entirely for zombies), don't like price either (for the LE, base price us fine). PS4 still has other exclusives I want. Until Dawn, Soma, Uncharted collection, TLOU (never played on PS3), upcoming Uncharted 4, Persona 5, Nier, and many others, just (again) nothing beyond Bloodborne I'm dying to play that'd out at the moment.
But yeah, white PS4 probably does look best. Though, then I thought how I have a black Wii U, a black XBO, might as well get a black PS4.
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