For years as an Xbox 360 owner and big fan of Tomb Raider I'd been dying to play Uncharted. But I hesistated because Iloved my Xbox and so many comparison articles I've read showed the Xbox out performing the PS3 graphically making the decision to add a second console to my gaming addiction a tough pill to swallow.
The PS3 library finally started to build up a few exclusives I wanted to play and the graphically comparisions were getting closer and closer so I decided to go ahead and get the system to play Uncharted 1 & 2and a few other games I wanted to try.
Having now played through all of Uncharted 1 and 2/3 of Uncharted 2 I'm actually going to have to admit that I think Uncharted 2 might just be the most visually stunning game on a console I've ever seen. The water and snow effects alone break new ground as far as I can tell and some of the scenes border on photorealistic. I think it even tops the Assassin's Creed and Gears series on the Xbox. And I was mighty impressed with both of those.
Uncharted 2(and the upcoming GT5) demonstrate to me that the PS3 in the right hands is one powerful rig. Now if only someone would design a controller that is half as comfortable as the Xbox one I might be willing to retire that Xbox.
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