OKAY console wars, I come to you for advice

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#1 auron_16
Member since 2008 • 4062 Posts

I have traveled long and far from OT to seek knowledge and wisdom from you people. I need advice on my ever raging PS3 vs 360 debate. I can now say I at least know what I do and don't want.


Why I want it- Heavy Rain, inFAMOUS, MAG, free wifi, and it just looks more sexy, people on Home look cooler then Avatars on XBL

Xbox 360 (Elite)- GTAIV: Episodes from Liberty City,Fable II, Mass Effect series, better Online.

The games I want are multi platform: Assasin's Creed series, GTA, Red Dead Redemption, Saboteur, etc.

So help! Please?

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#2 BPoole96
Member since 2008 • 22818 Posts

Well you're not going ot get anything but biased remarks, so I'll just start by saying you should definitly buy a PS3

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#3 deactivated-5d6e91f5c147a
Member since 2008 • 26108 Posts

Well you're not going ot get anything but biased remarks, so I'll just start by saying you should definitly buy a PS3

And I'll make his decision harder by saying you should get a 360!
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#4 SwagSurf
Member since 2009 • 3022 Posts

PS3 :)

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#5 johnusabeis
Member since 2004 • 2369 Posts
if you want the better online experience then get the 360. otherwise weigh your options by which has more games you want.
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#6 Gxgear
Member since 2003 • 10425 Posts

Oh goodie another one pretending he needs purchasing advice and thinks it's a good idea to ask this question in System Wars.

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#7 deactivated-5cf4b2c19c4ab
Member since 2008 • 17476 Posts
buy a pc
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#8 uyiop0t
Member since 2009 • 615 Posts

I have traveled long and far from OT to seek knowledge and wisdom from you people. I need advice on my ever raging PS3 vs 360 debate. I can now say I at least know what I do and don't want.


Why I want it- Heavy Rain, inFAMOUS, MAG, free wifi, andit just looks more sexy, people on Home look cooler then Avatars on XBL

Xbox 360 (Elite)- GTAIV: Episodes from Liberty City,Fable II, Mass Effect series, better Online.

The games I want are multi platform: Assasin's Creed series, GTA, Red Dead Redemption, Saboteur, etc.

So help! Please?


Sorry, doesn't seem like a good reason. Probably go with 360.

And you're missing out on a lot of the good games for both consoles.

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#9 wizardwd
Member since 2006 • 606 Posts
Just make us all proud and go buy a Wii... Oh wait, don't, just get whatever you want.
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#10 dont-read-this
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#11 jrhawk42
Member since 2003 • 12764 Posts

Here we go:

ps3 - Heavy rain, and MAG are untested IP. Mag is being done by the same studio as socom which any Cow can tell you isn't a good series anymore. Heavy Rain is being developed by the same team as Indigo Prophecy so there's a chance of sucess, a chance of failure, or both. InFamous is an above average game w/ an amazing ending. Hopefully we'll see a sequel soon. Free wifi can be good depending on how your home is setup. My ps3, and router are surrounded by wireless devices, tvs, monitors, computers, and basically it's a mess trying to even stay connected wireless. Some people have better luck, but it really depends on you. Home is pretty awful, just ask anybody who's ever stepped foot in there. Sure some people like it, but it's mostly just a pretty interface w/ lobby functions.

360 - GTA:Episodes are overhyped... unless you love the storytelling in GTA you're not going to really see that much content hell most of the content from GTAIV was gutted. Fable II seems to be a game a lot of people like, and I can see that it's very well done, but honestly I found most of the gameplay elements lacking. I would basically get good at 1 thing then spam the hell out of it until I finished the game. Also it's a very buggy game so don't be surprised when it crashes on you. Mass Effect is an awesome series so it's definately a reason to pick up a 360. Better online is pretty vague. Most of the main features on live are also done on psn (slightly worse on psn though). If you're willing to keep paying $3-$5 a month XBL is perfect, but if you're more casual w/ your online psn isn't bad substitute.

Multiplats are pretty much the same on each system. A few DLC packs here and there, and a few glitches on each system, but overall there's really no major advantage on either of them.

Thing is Fable, and Mass effect will continue to have sequels for the 360. I highly doubt we'll see HR2, or MAG2 this gen so w/ the information given I'm leaning towards the 360, but honestly what you've given me tell me nothing about you as a gamer.

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#12 Funconsole
Member since 2009 • 3223 Posts

I have traveled long and far from OT to seek knowledge and wisdom from you people. I need advice on my ever raging PS3 vs 360 debate. I can now say I at least know what I do and don't want.


Why I want it- Heavy Rain, inFAMOUS, MAG, free wifi, and it just looks more sexy, people on Home look cooler then Avatars on XBL

Xbox 360 (Elite)- GTAIV: Episodes from Liberty City,Fable II, Mass Effect series, better Online.

The games I want are multi platform: Assasin's Creed series, GTA, Red Dead Redemption, Saboteur, etc.

So help! Please?

Get the Xbox 360. Since you only want 3 exclusives (2 of which haven't released yet) and no one is ever on Home 360 has the better stuff from what you want. better online, exlcusives like Halo and Gears
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#13 scarface_dm
Member since 2009 • 1652 Posts

Get a 360

Online is awesome and multiplate games on 360 are better %90 of the time

AC2 is also better on 360

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#14 Skittles_McGee
Member since 2008 • 9136 Posts
If its multiplats you're wanting most of, the 360 is probably a better choice. Especially for multiplats like GTA4.
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#15 playharderfool
Member since 2009 • 2085 Posts


I have traveled long and far from OT to seek knowledge and wisdom from you people. I need advice on my ever raging PS3 vs 360 debate. I can now say I at least know what I do and don't want.


Why I want it- Heavy Rain, inFAMOUS, MAG, free wifi, andit just looks more sexy, people on Home look cooler then Avatars on XBL

Xbox 360 (Elite)- GTAIV: Episodes from Liberty City,Fable II, Mass Effect series, better Online.

The games I want are multi platform: Assasin's Creed series, GTA, Red Dead Redemption, Saboteur, etc.

So help! Please?


Sorry, doesn't seem like a good reason. Probably go with 360.

And you're missing out on a lot of the good games for both consoles.

Wicked cool.

telling the person who's asking for help on deciding on something he's looking forward to that their opinion dosen't count is always a smart move. 8) Some are just alwayssuper smooth with their persuasion tactics in threads like this.

And people wonder why there are so many "I regret buying a xbox360" threads that pop up all the time.

Look you're not helping by tring to put down what he likes about each individual console based on your opinion. Tell him something good about the console you like or even something bad about the console you don't like (preferably not a lie) but don't try to tell him he's wrong for liking something about another console just becausehe's not praising the console you like best. geez.

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#16 BloodSeeker1337
Member since 2009 • 1278 Posts
Get The 360
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#17 Regisland
Member since 2009 • 2390 Posts

Get The 360  BloodSeeker1337

i think we know the winner

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#18 boredy-Mcbored
Member since 2007 • 1566 Posts

Coming on to SW isn't the wisest option. Neither is asking a sales associate. Both of them are biased. I suggest you research games a little more. But I'll give my opinion anyway...

If you have a PC: Ps3

If you don't: 360

Why? If you don't have a PC then by adding 360/Pc games the good games count is over the 360. If you have a PC then you can get the killer Ps3 exclusives.

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#19 bad_fur_day
Member since 2008 • 1988 Posts

GTAIV is better on 360 in my opinion and it has Episodes from Liberty. There are no other games for me right now.

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#20 SF_KiLLaMaN
Member since 2007 • 6446 Posts
Get PC, It is way better than both combined. /thread
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#21 PtothaWHAT
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#22 stiggy321
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#23 auron_16
Member since 2008 • 4062 Posts

Here we go:

ps3 - Heavy rain, and MAG are untested IP. Mag is being done by the same studio as socom which any Cow can tell you isn't a good series anymore. Heavy Rain is being developed by the same team as Indigo Prophecy so there's a chance of sucess, a chance of failure, or both. InFamous is an above average game w/ an amazing ending. Hopefully we'll see a sequel soon. Free wifi can be good depending on how your home is setup. My ps3, and router are surrounded by wireless devices, tvs, monitors, computers, and basically it's a mess trying to even stay connected wireless. Some people have better luck, but it really depends on you. Home is pretty awful, just ask anybody who's ever stepped foot in there. Sure some people like it, but it's mostly just a pretty interface w/ lobby functions.

360 - GTA:Episodes are overhyped... unless you love the storytelling in GTA you're not going to really see that much content hell most of the content from GTAIV was gutted. Fable II seems to be a game a lot of people like, and I can see that it's very well done, but honestly I found most of the gameplay elements lacking. I would basically get good at 1 thing then spam the hell out of it until I finished the game. Also it's a very buggy game so don't be surprised when it crashes on you. Mass Effect is an awesome series so it's definately a reason to pick up a 360. Better online is pretty vague. Most of the main features on live are also done on psn (slightly worse on psn though). If you're willing to keep paying $3-$5 a month XBL is perfect, but if you're more casual w/ your online psn isn't bad substitute.

Multiplats are pretty much the same on each system. A few DLC packs here and there, and a few glitches on each system, but overall there's really no major advantage on either of them.

Thing is Fable, and Mass effect will continue to have sequels for the 360. I highly doubt we'll see HR2, or MAG2 this gen so w/ the information given I'm leaning towards the 360, but honestly what you've given me tell me nothing about you as a gamer.

Well, based on what your telling me, I have to agree with the PS3 argument. as for the 360 one, Fable isn't something I'm TOOO psyched for, but the GTAIV episodes are something I really appreciate due to the story and all. Most of the others are multi platform (Assasin's creed, red dead redemption, etc) how's the hardware on the 360's holding up nowadays?
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#24 Chuckycheesy
Member since 2009 • 25 Posts

GTAIV is better on 360 in my opinion and it has Episodes from Liberty. There are no other games for me right now.

I guess 360 only owners are stuck playing 2-3 year old games. This year was terrible for my 360, and I didn't buy anything. I suggest a PS3, the quality of it's exclusives goes far beyond multiplats. The 360's best looking game is Gears 2, but the online is terribly broken. To summarize, ultimately it's up to you on what you buy, but I suggest the PS3. P.S. GTAIV sucks imo.
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#25 WasntAvailable
Member since 2008 • 5605 Posts

Just upgrade your PC and get Mass Effect, Dragon Age, The Witcher and Kings Bounty. :P

Between the consoles it's hard to say. The PS3 has alot of really awesome exclusives, alot of which released this year. The 360 has had a less succesful year in terms of games, but you miss out on titles like Mass Effect. The 360 is also cheaper so take that into consideration. Also take into consideration that the 360 has a tendency to break. It's really just what games you want most at the time. If you like RPGs then I would get a PS3 for games like Dragon Age, Demon's Souls, Valkyria Chronicles etc. (The 360 has more, but apart from Lost oddyysey and Mass Effect, not that much notable.), but a better option would be to upgrade your PC. As for shooters, I suppose the 360 takes the cake, but the PC dominates in the shooter department. Racing games, 360. Fighting games, either. Action/Adventure, PS3 probably.

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#26 WasntAvailable
Member since 2008 • 5605 Posts



I have traveled long and far from OT to seek knowledge and wisdom from you people. I need advice on my ever raging PS3 vs 360 debate. I can now say I at least know what I do and don't want.


Why I want it- Heavy Rain, inFAMOUS, MAG, free wifi, andit just looks more sexy, people on Home look cooler then Avatars on XBL

Xbox 360 (Elite)- GTAIV: Episodes from Liberty City,Fable II, Mass Effect series, better Online.

The games I want are multi platform: Assasin's Creed series, GTA, Red Dead Redemption, Saboteur, etc.

So help! Please?


Sorry, doesn't seem like a good reason. Probably go with 360.

And you're missing out on a lot of the good games for both consoles.

Wicked cool.

telling the person who's asking for help on deciding on something he's looking forward to that their opinion dosen't count is always a smart move. 8) Some are just alwayssuper smooth with their persuasion tactics in threads like this.

And people wonder why there are so many "I regret buying a xbox360" threads that pop up all the time.

Look you're not helping by tring to put down what he likes about each individual console based on your opinion. Tell him something good about the console you like or even something bad about the console you don't like (preferably not a lie) but don't try to tell him he's wrong for liking something about another console just becausehe's not praising the console you like best. geez.

I don't think it was serious in the first place. The reason why those threads pop up is because this place is full of fanboys, it dosn't take much to work that one out. You're super sarcastic tone helps no one.

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#27 LegatoSkyheart
Member since 2009 • 29733 Posts

Want to play games that came out for the Original Playstation?

PS3 has that.

Do you also want to view your Movies in HD?

PS3 has BluRay built right in!


PS3 has that

Want Access to Downloadable Content and Games and Play Online for free?

PS3 is the way to go.

Great Games like Killzone, Infamous, Little Big Planet, Uncharted 2 and Great Multiplat titles like Modern Warfare 2, Assassian's Creed 2, Brutal Legend, and Batman Arkham Asylum?

PS3 has those too.

Now for the 360.

Want to play great downloadable titles first?

360s have that

Want to watch Streaming video right from your TV?

360s have that

Want to update Twitter and Facebook?

360s have that

Want to pay for Online (Dedicated Servers)

360s are the way to go.

Want to play games like Halo 3, Crackdown, Gears of War and Great Multiplats like Modern Warfare 2, Assassin's Creed 2, Brutal Legend, and Batman Arkham Asylum?

360s have them too.

For all your Console needs just go to the System Wars Forum at GameSpot.

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#28 Gangstah-Fresh
Member since 2009 • 510 Posts
Get a Wii, it is targeted for the consumer who is unable to conduct his own research in order to become an informed consumer.
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#29 Cheesehead9099
Member since 2008 • 2849 Posts

Here we go:

ps3 - Heavy rain, and MAG are untested IP. Mag is being done by the same studio as socom which any Cow can tell you isn't a good series anymore. Heavy Rain is being developed by the same team as Indigo Prophecy so there's a chance of sucess, a chance of failure, or both. InFamous is an above average game w/ an amazing ending. Hopefully we'll see a sequel soon. Free wifi can be good depending on how your home is setup. My ps3, and router are surrounded by wireless devices, tvs, monitors, computers, and basically it's a mess trying to even stay connected wireless. Some people have better luck, but it really depends on you. Home is pretty awful, just ask anybody who's ever stepped foot in there. Sure some people like it, but it's mostly just a pretty interface w/ lobby functions.

360 - GTA:Episodes are overhyped... unless you love the storytelling in GTA you're not going to really see that much content hell most of the content from GTAIV was gutted. Fable II seems to be a game a lot of people like, and I can see that it's very well done, but honestly I found most of the gameplay elements lacking. I would basically get good at 1 thing then spam the hell out of it until I finished the game. Also it's a very buggy game so don't be surprised when it crashes on you. Mass Effect is an awesome series so it's definately a reason to pick up a 360. Better online is pretty vague. Most of the main features on live are also done on psn (slightly worse on psn though). If you're willing to keep paying $3-$5 a month XBL is perfect, but if you're more casual w/ your online psn isn't bad substitute.

Multiplats are pretty much the same on each system. A few DLC packs here and there, and a few glitches on each system, but overall there's really no major advantage on either of them.

Thing is Fable, and Mass effect will continue to have sequels for the 360. I highly doubt we'll see HR2, or MAG2 this gen so w/ the information given I'm leaning towards the 360, but honestly what you've given me tell me nothing about you as a gamer.

Great post. I agree with what you've said. TC, here is your answer. :) Oh, and btw jrhawk42 MAG is being developed by the same people as socom, but the only bad game in the socom series was Confrontation, and that was not developed by Zipper, the people who aer making MAG. Thing is, Zipper made all the Socom games up until Confrontation, whcih was made by a bunch o' wannabes. Zipper is making MAG, not the confrontation ppl, so MAg probably won;t disappoint