it fine in your opinion if you think lbp is the superior platform but others disagree(plus we had a thread on this)
the last 2 kirby games got an 8.5. how is that a bad score? im sorry its not mgs4's 10/10
cant nintendo both appeal to the hardcore and the casual? some unlike sony has fail to do imo
this must be a joke thread just to get the wii fans out of hiding
edit: aslo nintendo has brought xenoblade.pandoras tower, and the last story. and im pretty sure these 3 cater to the hardcore crowd
It's my opinion that yes LBP is the superior platformer, but I also did a scientific study that proved it was the better one. And you can't argue against science...
As for Kirby, well I'm sorry but I don't think there has ever really been a good kirby game like ever. Imagine a 3D open world kirby adventure where you can get over a 100 different powers and explore on your star in a huge 3D open world! Ya see that's awesome and I just made it up in 5 minutes because I'm a better designer than anyone at Nintendo. But they rejected my application!
I don't believe in "casual" or "hardcore" gaming, those are jokes. Gaming is a hobby how can a hobby make you "hardcore" lol
And Xeno blade got canceled because that's what Nintendo fans wanted, same goes for pandora towre and last story, which is a good title to Nintendo's fans because it really is the LAST good thing they will ever see from nintendo again.
Xenoblade didn't get canceled, it got released like a month ago :|
It never came out in the US.
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