Okay, yes I'm a PS3 owner, and yes, I still like my PS3 and some of its exclusives. But Sony's exclusives can't win the PS3 first place. Sure, the gap between 360 and PS3 sales is closing. But there's more to the market than just sales: PROFIT! This is something Sony has been lacking all generation, and they just keep digging their losses even deeper. Ignore the facts all you want, but the first-party exclusives aren't turning much profit for Sony. Okay, maybe the PS3 will overtake the 360 in sales in 1 or 2 years, but then what? Sony is truly in last place this generation, sales are only part of the equation. Sales mean NOTHING without profits to take in!
That doesn't mean the PS3 is an inferior console; it plays all the great multiplatform games that the 360 can play and it's a handy blu-ray player which is an accepted medium at least for movies(good for you movie-goers) and you can play online for free. Plus, there are some great games you can't get on a 360 although only a few out of the entire generation really stand out to me(LBP, Heavy Rain, Uncharted if you like action/adventure games and can live with linearity). Quality over quantity, and though the PS3 has a good number of exclusives, they don't overwhelm the amount of 360 exclusives available, and only a few of them are real gems. Sony IS at fault for making the system difficult to program for, that's why there are a few inferior multiplatform games(namely Skyrim, but that's mainly Bethesda's fault for their incompetent devs with the tech of all three systems including the PC!).
But the biggest reason for Sony's failure this gen is that they lost most of their marketshare that they had last gen to MS. Sony's exclusive third-party is non-existent now with only a few third-party devs(Insomniac stayed, but theyre moving to multiplat too soon). It's ignorant to credit Sony's success towards the exclusive collection. It doesn't promise Sony any profit. Many of them don't even sell. Okay, so sales /=/ quality. But many of them don't surpass the quality of multiplatform games, so how do they matter? There is also little variety in the exclusive collection of the PS3. Many of them are shooters and action/adventure titles. There are games of a few other genres available and I'll admit LBP is a unique kind of game, but other than that, there isn't much variety in the PS3's exclusive lineup.
I know it's hard for PS fans to take in, but Sony has lost this generation. Because of that, the offerings on the PS3 are inferior to those of the PS2. Think to yourself, do you really enjoy the PS3 more than the PS2? I honestly don't, and while the 360 doesn't necessarily take the PS2's place, Sony's game lineup has diminished compared to that of last gen. Sony may have a better start next gen, but this gen is just about over. Sony has in no way won this generation.
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