How can anyone get hyped or even want to play on a one X, everything screams a rush job and no passion behind it. Lets throw in high end powerful hardware to make up for any originality and skill. Honestly i'm starting to think MS are a one hit wonder.....success only truly happened to them with the OG xbox and Halo......even the 360 was a broken peice of sh!t that MS forced out early to gain the momentum it got mainly with 3rd party titles. Their 1st party studios don't exist and never really did.
Sony and Nintendo are the only ones keep things fresh and idealistic, evolving so to speak. With hardware and software. I think it's time MS are forced out of the console wars. No one will indeed miss them, unless you're some racist patriotic gamer who screams AMERICA. lol.
Oh and seeing MS forcefully ALSO push backwards combaditlity makes me wanna puke, most of those games no one cares about since it's been played to death and is simply OLD games EMULATED.....nothing to brag about.
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