LOL, I am not jumping up and down screaming. There are no caps. I was just being challenging to the blog. Read it again calmly. Anyway, I just think they are basically trying to say that they don't have any console games lined up, we should lower our expectations of them and expect high prices. This means that OnLive! will suck. Steam and gog.com, and the rest are were we are headed.
Do you really think that the 60 price point should be higher for video and PC games or do you think it is high enough?
Do you want to pay more per game like they are saying? Makes no sense. You should just buy your own high end system and pay less for games.
They are pricing themselves right out of business. The blog is about lowering expectations and expecting higher prices.
A really stupid way to sell a new system. I was excited too. But now. No so much. Epic Failure. On Live go away.
You do know there are people out there (a whole boat load of them) which cant/wont afford a gaming pc.
For one I think its an absolute waste of money (to me), I would much rather spend the money I earn on a good night out, and as it stands between uni, work, friends, gf and sports I dont have time to play half of the games out there. Gaming boards aside this is completely normal, the majority of people dont give themselves over to just one habit completely, other aspects of their lives will take up to much of their time.
As a result something like Onlive is amazing for me. I set it up by my tv and play the specific high quality games that I want which I cant afford to play otherwise. I dont really mind that the visual fidelity is comprimised because I just want to "play" the game. Not oggle at bloody TOD pictures.
Finally, even if you ignore everything I just said, your essentially saying with your posts that you dont want innovation, you want stagnation. I dont know if Onlive will work, odds are it wont. But hoping for the death of an up and rising technology, assuming you have no personal financial stake in the matter seems very close minded.
btw, their blog makes them seem down to earth, they arent promising you 50 virgins, bottle of vodka, and king sized bed, they are trying something new and are not creating a ridiculous level of hype like Sony did with their PS3.
LOL, when you see the price to pay for a few hours of crysis you will be begging to have Sony sell you PS3. You console gamers are dreaming that you are going to get some super device that actually lets you play games at a lower cost.
Not going to happen. You are going to pay exactly the same and more. That is how business works. Not only that. The PC platform is the largest most popular platform in the world. It is not going anywhere. Prices will continue to drop and the cost of high end systems are now reaching console levels thanks to Sony and Microsoft. For $300 to $500 you have a great PC that will play Crysis at much better than Crysis at 720p at 30fps. In fact, 30fps sucks. You guys just don't have a clue.
I would rather have my own PC and my own consoles and reasonably priced games that don't go up in costs.
And OnLive! is so full of it saying that the cost of games has not gone up. What planet is he on? Did you notice that the price of games went up along with the next generation of consoles. That includes PC games too. They went up from 29.99 to 39.99 and 49.99. This guy is lying his arse off.
Spin to win as they say. Keep dreaming you guys. Keep your head and wallet in the clouds if you like. I will keep mine in my pocket and on the ground.
Feel free to list components of a $300 - $500 comp that could run Crysis nicely..
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