This isn't an "I think Xwon E3" thread.
Basically sony is being called the winner by alot of people. If you think about it the reason sony seems so "great" is because of how poor they were prior to E3. I mean after all the bragging and the horrible launch all sony really had to do to impress/satisfy people was act a bit more humble and show off a good looking exclusive.
MS, who I think won, was admitedlly a littleboring butfora gaming convention MS focused the most on game lineup. It seems they focused a tad to much on the holiday lineup rather than the futur and lacked any big announcements but at E3 they had the best game lineup.
Nintendo obviously didn't focus enough on the hardcore fanbase but whatever works for them. They had some interesting announcments atleast.
This is all IMO of course.
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