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"List updated November 2007." No games have been added in almost 2 years? Abandoned?Michael324
Yep. Old news.
If your that worried about the more obscure Xbox titles, you can pick a used one up for $50 or less. its no big deal...the 360 plays all the more popular titlesdarkspineslayerMafia and The Warriors must not have been popular.
[QUOTE="darkspineslayer"]If your that worried about the more obscure Xbox titles, you can pick a used one up for $50 or less. its no big deal...the 360 plays all the more popular titlesMichael324Mafia and The Warriors must not have been popular.Mafia on XBOX is crap, heck the game hasnt aged well at all. Just get it on PC for cheap. Many popular games were left out simply due to emulation issues, for example the Timesplitters games
[QUOTE="darkspineslayer"]If your that worried about the more obscure Xbox titles, you can pick a used one up for $50 or less. its no big deal...the 360 plays all the more popular titlesMichael324Mafia and The Warriors must not have been popular. as the other guy explained, technical difficultys ment that not every game was going to work perfectly or at all
[QUOTE="darkspineslayer"]If your that worried about the more obscure Xbox titles, you can pick a used one up for $50 or less. its no big deal...the 360 plays all the more popular titlestreedoor
Some of the classics too such as
If your that worried about the more obscure Xbox titles, you can pick a used one up for $50 or less. its no big deal...the 360 plays all the more popular titlesdarkspineslayerThere a number of good titles the Xbox does not play. One of the PofP and all the DDR come to mind right away. There were a few others that I was upset about but I forget what they are right now.
Xbox originals replaced it, now thats stopping too so ya. No skin off my nose i still have my crystal Xbox that things going to last forever part tank part console.
Xbox originals replaced it, now thats stopping too so ya. No skin off my nose i still have my crystal Xbox that things going to last forever part tank part console.
Why did I sell my 2002 Xbox console? "Crys in corner"
i find it kind of sad that a game like oddworld strangers wrath isnt on that list but barby horse adventure is...and no im not kidding go look it up if you dont believe me
^^ and that was concentrated on my the Backwards compatibility engineers? no really what happend is that they made one game backwards compat and found that another game worked just as well if not better under that same BC coding so they added it to the list and released it.
[QUOTE="darkspineslayer"]If your that worried about the more obscure Xbox titles, you can pick a used one up for $50 or less. its no big deal...the 360 plays all the more popular titlestreedoor
Some of the classics too such as
no really what happend is that they made one game backwards compat and found that another game worked just as well if not better under that same BC coding so they added it to the list and released it.
Exactly. Didn't they say the method for GTA was what allowed that Barbie game to be compatible?
If your that worried about the more obscure Xbox titles, you can pick a used one up for $50 or less. its no big deal...the 360 plays all the more popular titlesdarkspineslayerActually, it is a big deal if some of those titles are ones you like. CvS2, arguably the best 2D fighter ever, isn't playable - any 360 fanboy who makes a big deal out of SFIV would be a moron to sweep that lack of BC under the rug. Or games like Deathrow - my favorite sport game of all time, and an outright excellent game.
At least the 360 has backwards compatibility unlike the PS3.rybe1025Why it took three pages for this fact to come up....:lol:
I really can't think of many games for the Xbox that were good.. Maybe a handful.. It really feels like Halo and Halo 2 was what carried the console.sSubZerOoOff the top of my head... CvS2, Deathrow, Gunvalkyrie, KOTOR, Ninja Gaiden, Fable, Oddworld, and Riddick come to mind. Fairly certain there were quite a few more that I rather enjoyed, but, those come to mind off the top of my head. You're missing out if you just focus on the "popular titles."
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