Typical. Clueless people misinterpreting financial information. Here's the most recent annual statement with information on different business segments:
Xbox belongs in the Entertainment and Devices Division, which includes PC gaming related products. Although its revenue increased a lot over three years, its operating income dropped a lot.
| 2012 | 2011 | 2010 |
Entertainment and Devices Division | 365m | 1294m | 525m |
In terms of profit, only the Windows and Business (i.e. MS Office) divisions are bringing in the big bucks. In 2012 the Windows division brought 11,908m operating income and the Business divsion brought 15,688m operating income. Xbox really is an insignificant pest in the grand scheme of things.
Playstation is also infinitesimally tiny in Sony as well. Gaming hardware (Playstation consoles and portables) and software (first party PS exclusives and PC MMOs from SOE) account for only 7.8% of Sony's total sales. The division barely made any profit in 2013, a sharp drop from 29.3 billion JPY (301m USD) to 1.7 billion JPY (17m USD). However, it's at least still making a profit unlike Sony's mobile and home entertainment devices, which gave Sony a combined loss of 181.5 billion JPY (1866m USD).
In conclusion, both consoles are faring poorly, but Playstation is on the brink of making a loss. Microsoft's current financials is almost fully contributed by Microsoft/Office (who'd expect?!), while Sony is losing almost as much money on its Mobile & Home Entertainment (two of its three largest divisions) as Microsoft is making with Windows and Office. The only reason Sony didn't just drop dead is because of its financial services segment, which contributed only to 15% of its sales yet is accountable for 151% of its net profit. How can it be 151%? Well, the other segments combined together give a huge loss, it's thanks to the 145.8 billion JPY (1499m USD) of profit from financial services that Sony didn't make another loss in 2013.
Sony is in pretty bad shape, but whether it survives or not will most likely not depend on the video game industry.
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