Disappointing for me. The 360 is a great console with great games (albeit a bad community) but the PS3 is seriously lacking. Last generation I had all three consoles, loved them all and had loads of games, but for me now, the PS3 is seriously lacking games that distinguish it from the 360. The Wii is great fun, but I feel that there is too much 'shovelware' on the console. Games like SMG, MP3 etc are amazing though and there are many games that just beg to be picked up and played every once in a while that provide a short-burst of entertainment. SSBB is the real reason why I have the Wii, though.
In my personal opinion the PC is doing the best this generation. 2007 was such an amazing year for PC. At one point I ran out of money because there were too many games I needed to pick up (also after upgrading for Crysis). And PC will continue to win, in my personal opinion, because it has already eclipsed technically what consoles can do and experiences like Crysis just can't be witnessed on any console.
The worst fad is the serious lack of innovation. Don't get me wrong, there are many great innovative games, but take Bioshock for example: it did nothing to push the genre, rather gave it an incredible setting and atmosphere. Halo 3's media hype was just far too overblown and while yes, the game is great, it does not innovate, it just adds. Yet it receives rave reviews. Metroid Prime 3 and Zelda: TP, to an extent, feel upgrades from their predecessors. Games like the Witcher, Crysis, Mass Effect, Super Mario Galaxy and Call of Duty 4 are games that do things differently, push the industry forward and on the whole I enjoy them a whole lot more.
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