Okay so I playing Motorstorm online and you can name your lobby and I noticed a lobby called "Xbox Haters" So I decided to join and see what the haters platform was. These are a few choice quotes taken from what I overheard.
" 1 out of every 2 360's breaks" (If true there would be mass revolt)
"They have to pay for their online LOL" - (Need to mention that there are about 4 people online at a time on PSN)
"You can't name one good game besides GOEW" (I will let yall reflect in how stupid a statement that was)
"MS will stop making them within the next 3 months" (I guess Halo 3 is cancelled as well then)
"The PS3 is at least 4X as powerul as the 360" (Didn't this get settled long ago)
It seems like all the misinformation has made its way in to the minds of those with PS3's. I love my 360 and rarley have anything bad to say about it, I just can't believe people can be this dumb. You hear a good deal of people bashing the PS3 on XBL but you don't hear many false claims and outlandish statements.
I think all you guys are just trying to validate your purchase and you try to find anything that could be considered a fault. If you really think the PS3 or 360 is better then you would not have to post on this board.
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