Don't get me wrong, I like my 360, but I've noticed that playing my 360 stresses me out a lot.
Of course, first and foremost, whenever I play my machine I keep wondering if maybe it's gonna RROD. After hearing horror stories from everybody I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop. This is not condusive to a fun playing atmosphere, always wondering if your hardware's gonna fail. I hate having to stress over it, and every time the machine hiccups (which fortunately isn't often) I get a heart attack. It would morph from a $450 gaming rig into a $450 brick.
I guess the other part of my stress comes from the kind of games I play: namely Halo 3 and Gears of War. Online play is stressful as hell; I was so pleased with Call of Duty 4 because there's no stress in that kind of gameplay. Not like in Halo 3, where every one of my mates are screaming at me and I'm trying to pick up a better weapon than a damn assault rifle and everybody is trash talking (although that happens in CoD4 too). It's just such a stress-fest. I can't play online for more than three hours or I'd go insane.
Doesn't anybody else feel that the 360 is a bit of a stressful machine to own? If it weren't for the awesome game library I definately wouldn't want to deal with it. Maybe I should get a Wii. I hear those are pretty relaxing ;) If you can call strenuous upper-body exercise "relaxing" :).
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