[QUOTE="PS3Gamer_1"][QUOTE="-GeordiLaForge-"]I'm sure that the PS3 failure rate is higher than that. Sony just doesn't fix them. And where did you get that 33% of 360's fail? Doesn't matter anyway. The Jasper motherboard is readily available now...-GeordiLaForge-
But, if I am not mistaken, I beleive the published rate from MS is that it's 16%, which seems very low to me, considering how mnay people I know who have gone through their 360's several times. And the Jasper realy did nothing much to fix the problems. While it does help to prvent RROD from happening sooner than the others, E71 error, or the disc tray malfuntion. RROD isn't the only problem. And my friend has already gone through 2 jasper models, making the tally 6 360's since launch. It's very shoddy, and I for one will not promote companies for putting out crappy hardware. I refuse to buy a 360 until it is at least a more reasonable failure rate, and they address all the issues with the box. I don't care much for their warranty. If I wanted a refurbished box, i would have bought that in the beginning.
Anyways, that said. 360 seems to get the more polished multiplats (at the beginning), and have several exclusives I am looking forward to, specifically Gears, Alan Wake and SC: Conviction. I know Alan Wake is also coming to pc, but I am not a pc gamer. PS3 has awesome features, especially the blue ray, and the exclsuives I want, namely Ratchet and Clank, MGS4, GOW. the multiplats, as of a while ago, run great on ps3, and the differences to the 360 are negligible to me. I don;'t stare at textures, lighting, etc. I play the game!
No offense, but you're name definitely calls your statements into question. ESPECIALLY since my launch 360 worked fine, and did not freeze once before it was stolen last summer...So i get dismissed because I wasn't creative enough to get a better sn :|
Anyways, no need to beleive me, really don't care, just stating my opinion. And just because your launch 360 works fine (you are lucky) doesn't mean there aren't issues with 360. So good for you. The ps3 gets the ylod, thank god mine hasn't, so does that mean i dismiss anyone who says they got the ylod ESPECIALLY since my ps3 works fine? :| It also get DRE, so they are liars because mine works fine. So if mine works fine, then it isn't real....?
Just because you haven't personally experienced anything bad with your box doesn't mean others haven't. My younger bro is on his second 360, his disc tray broke. he had to buy an arcade version off of ebay, and use his original hd. That wasn't covered under warranty. My cousin had to buy a brand new 360 since his RROD before the warranty came out. As did my brother in law. And the new one I bought him has RROD. He is in the middle of getting it fixed.
"Should I post pics or it didn't happen" or whatever...i don't care if you beleive me or not. Just stating personal experiences. I hope you don't take any offense. I'm just tired of ppl stating comments like I don't beleive you, post pics or you are a liar, blah, blah to other posters because of their names, or whatever reason. And just because it didn't happen to you doesn't make it any less true.
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