"Does your internet feel tired? Run down? Does it pop out of parties? Is it unpoopular? Well, you probably have Pando Media Booster to blame for your poor internet performance as of late. But what exactly is Pando Media Booster?
Pando Media Booster [PMB] is a P2P program many games stealth install. It will run on start up under Pando.exe or PMB.exeIt uploads without limit from your computerand does not show on tray or task manager. It WILL whore the **** out of your internet bandwidth and capacity – anywhere from 10% to 70% of your current speed may be occupied. This is a method for companies to shove bandwidth bills to the consumer.
Current known list of games:
League of Legends [LoL]
Possibly Heroes of Newerth [HoN]
Lord of the Rings Online
Maplestory [Any Nexon games in general, it seems]
Bloodline champions (to some degree)
And these are the ones that the company admits to. There will be more.
1. Uninstall from control panel: This is theeasiest, simplest solution.
It will reinstall itself once you run an update from games that utilize it.
If you don't play those games much, this is your solution.
2. Remove it from startup
Type msconfig in Start Menu -> run.
Remove PMB.exe or Pando.exe from startup list.
The Pando will run again once an updater is started, but at least this will minimize 24/7 whoring.
3. Internalize with hosts file
Find output address (Either ip or address) of Pando, this will depend on what game you play and may not be available to you. Open hosts file (Not hosts.txt, just hosts)
Edit with notepad and add line : WhateverAddressWas
This will prevent Pando from sending packets out. It will still occupy some CPU, but won't whore as much bandwidth."
If you care about your PC (I'm sure many do) and are a PC gamer, then you should definitely get rid of this before it ****s with your bandwidth, and you start seeing some crazy bills (and slow internet too).
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