While many of us do in fact enjoy Rum, and who doesn't enjoy pillaging across the seven seas, I'm refering specifically to software piracy.
If I want a game for free, it doesn't matter WHAT system it's on. If you think that burning a DVD9 for a 360 game or a Blu-Ray disk for a PS3 game is any harder, you're dead wrong: It's easier.
The fact is that me, and damn near every other PC gamer I've talked about it with deteste piracy, and feel obligated to support developers.
You really think that we're going to spend moola on the most expensive gaming rig out there and then be cheap about gaming?
I'm sick of being told that we 'deserve what we're getting' from Activition and other such companies.
Do music fans 'deserve' to have their artists of choice sell out? Do movie buffs 'deserve' it when their favorite director sells his soul to the profit margins?
It's just frustrating.
Sorry about venting so bluntly- usually I care to attempt at a higher level of articulation. Unfortunately this flu can hurt my composure somewhat... And no it's not Swine.
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