I didn't think PC gamers really cared much for action adventure games. To me they're worth one playthrough (which these days is worth less and less actual game time due to larger development costs) then I never touch them again.Olidsc
That's kind of why I thought it was funny. If nothing else, PC games usually have an assload of content because they aren't limited to single DVDs. It seems strange to pine for Uncharted, even though I think it will be a great game. Just didn't think it was really "up their alley", they being PC-only gamers.
Bleh I am not jealous of any console game. With free on-line (cept for the W.O.W. crap games) P.C. gaming is the best. Heck I still play Quake2 on-line. Quake one is dead on the net.roulettethedog
WoW is probably the best game of all time.
I have a question. Is the mouse and keyboard really that great for gaming? It probably most definitely is for FPS's and RTS's, but what about everything else?nervmeister
It kicks ass for those two genres but falls short in most others. Just buy a Microsoft gamepad, they are identical to the 360 controller. I would actually recommend a Logitech, since Microsoft's wireless receivers are laughable (you have to literally be 6 feet away for it to work), but I don't know how comfortable they would be for the sort of multiplat releases like EA games and Need For Speeds.
Also, although the aiming is better in FPS with the KB/M, I am starting to like console controls better because of the trigger buttons. They actually make you feel like you're pulling a trigger.
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