Next generation is going to really hurt PC gaming as well....
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:lol: Yes thats why they're more exclusives coming out for PC this year than the 360 :lol:
yeah if you like one genre, ill take my games on the console. RTS and whatever else can only go so far, always have to wait, still no Mortal Kombat, madden bye, no kinect games, give me a break.
So? Nails are completely unmarketable yet sell as well as they ever havemarkop2003
PC gaming will always be around, its a testbed for consoles, good point though.
:lol: Yes thats why they're more exclusives coming out for PC this year than the 360 :lol:
yeah if you like one genre, ill take my games on the console. RTS and whatever else can only go so far, always have to wait, still no Mortal Kombat, madden bye, no kinect games, give me a break.
I think you are alone on that one. Never heard anyone complain about the lack of Kinect games on PC before.
[QUOTE="ForzaGearsFace"]yeah if you like one genre, ill take my games on the console. RTS and whatever else can only go so far, always have to wait, still no Mortal Kombat, madden bye, no kinect games, give me a break.Miroku32
:lol: Forza, I know you can do better than that.
everything is made on the consoles first, man i rather use my 600 piece of junk ps3 than try and lonely pc game. I will get certain pc games but if i had to chose i would stick with what most americans would stick with, godbox 360.
pc still has the best multiplats plus exclusives but consoles are holding pc back because those multiplats could of been better games if they were designed for pc and ported to consoles.
:lol: Yes thats why they're more exclusives coming out for PC this year than the 360 :lol:
yeah if you like one genre, ill take my games on the console. RTS and whatever else can only go so far, always have to wait, still no Mortal Kombat, madden bye, no kinect games, give me a break.
Oh, I see. So basically you have zero argument then. *leaves stupid thread*
The Official List of PC 2012 Exclusives wich consolites also WON'T get to PLAY.
1. GW2
2. Tribes Ascend
3. Deep Black
4. Dota 2
5. Arma 3
6. Firefall
7. Hawken
8. Microsoft Flight
9. Neverwinter
10. Path of Exile
11. Planetside 2
12. Torchlight 2
13. SC2 HOTS
14. Diablo 3
15. C&C generals 2
16. Legends of Dawn
17. Cobalt
18. Kings Bounty:Warrior of the North
19. Natural Selection 2
20. Ravaged
21. Krater
22. Robot Unicorn Attack Evolution
23. Jagged Alliance Back in Action
24. Phantasy Star Online 2
25. Project Cars
26. Naval Warfare Arctic Circle
27. Warlock Masters of the Arcane
28. War of the Roses
29. The Red Solstice
30. End of Nations
31. War Thunder World of planes
32. Super Monday night Combat
33. Warface
34. Carrier Command
35. Dear Esther
36. The Spire
37. Hard reset extended edition
38. Fray
39. Mechwarrior Online
40. X-Rebirth
41. Overgrowth
42. Lucius
43. Grim Dawn
44. Crusader Kings 2
45. Xenonauts
46. Amnesia 2
47. Ontagion
48. Shogun 2 Fall of the Samurai
49. Auto Club Revolution
50. Gettysburg Armored Warfare
51. Shootmania Storm
52. Blacklight Retribution
53. Infinity the Quest for Earth
54. The Secret World
55. Dead State
56. Fortune Summoners
57. Umbra
58. X-Plane
59. Blade & Soul
60. Iron Front Liberation 1944
61. WoW Mists of Pandaria
62. Warhammer 40K Dark Milennium
63. Salem
64. The Whitness
65. Toren
66. Starpoint Gemini
67. Brickforce
68. Cartel
69. Dragon Commander
70. GTR 3
71. Chivalry
72. Warp
73. Inquisitor
74. UFO 2 Extraterrestrials
75. Masters of the Broken World
76. Elemental Fallen Enchantress
77. Wargame European Escalation
78. Smite
79. Men of War Condemned Heroes
80. King Arthur 2
81. Tactical Intervention
82. Red Orchestra 2 Rising Storm
83.Ghost Recon Online
84. Shadowrun
85. Asylum
86. Cradle
87. The Dark Eye, Chains of Satinav
88. Dustforce
89. Syberia 3
90. Rfactor 2
91. Wildstar
92. BlackSpace
93.Sniper Elite V2
94. Continent of The Ninth Global
95. ArcheAge
96. Postal 3
ForzaGearsFace is a cool guy.
A little OT but what game is that in your sig?
Risen 2.
I like the way you back up this statement with....absolutely nothing. Guess we're just supposed to take your word for it? Pass.Next generation is going to really hurt PC gaming as well....
ForzaGearsFace is a cool guy.
Cool as Ice
vanilla ice is cooler than any fake ass rappers around now.
Definitely a serious thread and not trollbait, you can see that from the OPs well constructed and well presented arguments.
And what is your reasoning for that conclusion?
It doesnt have games like madden, Mortal Kombat, console exclusive which are more fun that FOOTBALL MANAGER or some RTS that gets its tap on the headAA review from here and pc gamers tout the spreadsheet, but overall it doesnt encompass the whole thing like consoles get. Kinect also, you can be casual if you want on it, its not lonely like PC where you only can play some hardcore game alone in the dark. Its a niche community, DWI
And what is your reasoning for that conclusion?
It doesnt have games like madden, Mortal Kombat, console exclusive which are more fun that FOOTBALL MANAGER or some RTS that gets its tap on the headAA review from here and pc gamers tout the spreadsheet, but overall it doesnt encompass the whole thing like consoles get. Kinect also, you can be casual if you want on it, its not lonely like PC where you only can play some hardcore game alone in the dark. Its a niche community, DWI
(I do understand this is a pathetic troll thread but...)
The PC has Farmville. A game that produces more profit than 99% of games on the console. So now what?
And what is your reasoning for that conclusion?
It doesnt have games like madden, Mortal Kombat, console exclusive which are more fun that FOOTBALL MANAGER or some RTS that gets its tap on the headAA review from here and pc gamers tout the spreadsheet, but overall it doesnt encompass the whole thing like consoles get. Kinect also, you can be casual if you want on it, its not lonely like PC where you only can play some hardcore game alone in the dark. Its a niche community, DWI
(I do understand this is a pathetic troll thread but...)
The PC has Farmville. A game that produces more profit than 99% of games on the console. So now what?
wasdie we all know you are a hermit, its ok, nothing wrong with this thread. You just dont like that I have legit answers that are true. Did you really just bring up farmville? shall we get into angry birds now as well?
It doesnt have games like madden, Mortal Kombat, console exclusive which are more fun that FOOTBALL MANAGER or some RTS that gets its tap on the headAA review from here and pc gamers tout the spreadsheet, but overall it doesnt encompass the whole thing like consoles get. Kinect also, you can be casual if you want on it, its not lonely like PC where you only can play some hardcore game alone in the dark. Its a niche community, DWI
(I do understand this is a pathetic troll thread but...)
The PC has Farmville. A game that produces more profit than 99% of games on the console. So now what?
wasdie we all know you are a hermit, its ok, nothing wrong with this thread. You just dont like that I have legit answers that are true. Did you really just bring up farmville? shall we get into angry birds now as well?
well legitimate answers would have sources not just random speculation
It doesnt have games like madden, Mortal Kombat, console exclusive which are more fun that FOOTBALL MANAGER or some RTS that gets its tap on the headAA review from here and pc gamers tout the spreadsheet, but overall it doesnt encompass the whole thing like consoles get. Kinect also, you can be casual if you want on it, its not lonely like PC where you only can play some hardcore game alone in the dark. Its a niche community, DWI
(I do understand this is a pathetic troll thread but...)
The PC has Farmville. A game that produces more profit than 99% of games on the console. So now what?
wasdie we all know you are a hermit, its ok, nothing wrong with this thread. You just dont like that I have legit answers that are true. Did you really just bring up farmville? shall we get into angry birds now as well?
You brought up Kinect.
We all know you're a trolling fanboy so it's really my argument against yours.
It doesnt have games like madden, Mortal Kombat, console exclusive which are more fun that FOOTBALL MANAGER or some RTS that gets its tap on the headAA review from here and pc gamers tout the spreadsheet, but overall it doesnt encompass the whole thing like consoles get. Kinect also, you can be casual if you want on it, its not lonely like PC where you only can play some hardcore game alone in the dark. Its a niche community, DWI
(I do understand this is a pathetic troll thread but...)
The PC has Farmville. A game that produces more profit than 99% of games on the console. So now what?
wasdie we all know you are a hermit, its ok, nothing wrong with this thread. You just dont like that I have legit answers that are true. Did you really just bring up farmville? shall we get into angry birds now as well?
Wow, you really must not play on PC at all if you think there's no social community. Whatever you say man, I'll just go back to playing online by myself...with the huge group of folks I play superior games online with.[QUOTE="ForzaGearsFace"]
(I do understand this is a pathetic troll thread but...)
The PC has Farmville. A game that produces more profit than 99% of games on the console. So now what?
wasdie we all know you are a hermit, its ok, nothing wrong with this thread. You just dont like that I have legit answers that are true. Did you really just bring up farmville? shall we get into angry birds now as well?
well legitimate answers would have sources not just random speculation
console gaming is Devs # 1 prority, look at the marketplace, look at software sales, console gaming is way more recognized, lets just stop hermits bring up obsecuirty of PCGA skewed numbers and then it makes i tall ok cause the marketplace says something completely different. DWI
(I do understand this is a pathetic troll thread but...)
The PC has Farmville. A game that produces more profit than 99% of games on the console. So now what?
wasdie we all know you are a hermit, its ok, nothing wrong with this thread. You just dont like that I have legit answers that are true. Did you really just bring up farmville? shall we get into angry birds now as well?
Wow, you really must not play on PC at all if you think there's no social community. Whatever you say man, I'll just go back to playing online by myself...with the huge group of folks I play superior games online on steam what is your name.
Why do console gamers care so much about PC gamers and PC gaming in general? Give it a rest, seriously. Threads like this make consolites look stupid.
wasdie we all know you are a hermit, its ok, nothing wrong with this thread. You just dont like that I have legit answers that are true. Did you really just bring up farmville? shall we get into angry birds now as well?
well legitimate answers would have sources not just random speculation
console gaming is Devs # 1 prority, look at the marketplace, look at software sales, console gaming is way more recognized, lets just stop hermits bring up obsecuirty of PCGA skewed numbers and then it makes i tall ok cause the marketplace says something completely different. DWI
Yeah, that is all speculation. And what does Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) have to do with any of this
Wow, you really must not play on PC at all if you think there's no social community. Whatever you say man, I'll just go back to playing online by myself...with the huge group of folks I play superior games online with.[QUOTE="jer_1"][QUOTE="ForzaGearsFace"]
wasdie we all know you are a hermit, its ok, nothing wrong with this thread. You just dont like that I have legit answers that are true. Did you really just bring up farmville? shall we get into angry birds now as well?
im on steam what is your name.
Jpoon or Jpoon78its clearly pc has no market thats why this gen on pc we saw titles that never before been on pc like Street fighter and the upcoming Ridge racer. I can see it now. Totally justifiable It also lacks cinematic blurNext generation is going to really hurt PC gaming as well....
Why do console gamers care so much about PC gamers and PC gaming in general? Give it a rest, seriously. Threads like this make consolites look stupid.
its systemwars, if you dont like it, im sory, its a legitimate statement.
[QUOTE="ForzaGearsFace"]its clearly pc has no market thats why this gen on pc we saw titles that never before been on pc like Street fighter and the upcoming Ridge racer. I can see it now. Totally justifiable It also lacks cinematic blurNext generation is going to really hurt PC gaming as well....
it doesnt have a market like consoles do, yet hermits refuse to believe this to epic propotions.
Staff has something to tell you.BrunoBRS
causing problems? If i can freely speak with legitimate points, I guess its up to the mods, im doing nothing wrong.
Why do console gamers care so much about PC gamers and PC gaming in general? Give it a rest, seriously. Threads like this make consolites look stupid.
its systemwars, if you dont like it, im sory, its a legitimate statement.
Don't tell me it's System Wars. I've been here longer than you ever will. I'm not complaining about your statement. It annoys me as a console gamer that people give so much attention to PC gaming that it's just ridiculous.
[QUOTE="BrunoBRS"]Staff has something to tell you.ForzaGearsFace
causing problems? If i can freely speak with legitimate points, I guess its up to the mods, im doing nothing wrong.
The Official List of PC 2012 Exclusives wich consolites also WON'T get to PLAY.
1. GW2
2. Tribes Ascend
3. Deep Black
4. Dota 2
5. Arma 3
6. Firefall
7. Hawken
8. Microsoft Flight
9. Neverwinter
10. Path of Exile
11. Planetside 2
12. Torchlight 2
13. SC2 HOTS
14. Diablo 3
15. C&C generals 2
16. Legends of Dawn
17. Cobalt
18. Kings Bounty:Warrior of the North
19. Natural Selection 2
20. Ravaged
21. Krater
22. Robot Unicorn Attack Evolution
23. Jagged Alliance Back in Action
24. Phantasy Star Online 2
25. Project Cars
26. Naval Warfare Arctic Circle
27. Warlock Masters of the Arcane
28. War of the Roses
29. The Red Solstice
30. End of Nations
31. War Thunder World of planes
32. Super Monday night Combat
33. Warface
34. Carrier Command
35. Dear Esther
36. The Spire
37. Hard reset extended edition
38. Fray
39. Mechwarrior Online
40. X-Rebirth
41. Overgrowth
42. Lucius
43. Grim Dawn
44. Crusader Kings 2
45. Xenonauts
46. Amnesia 2
47. Ontagion
48. Shogun 2 Fall of the Samurai
49. Auto Club Revolution
50. Gettysburg Armored Warfare
51. Shootmania Storm
52. Blacklight Retribution
53. Infinity the Quest for Earth
54. The Secret World
55. Dead State
56. Fortune Summoners
57. Umbra
58. X-Plane
59. Blade & Soul
60. Iron Front Liberation 1944
61. WoW Mists of Pandaria
62. Warhammer 40K Dark Milennium
63. Salem
64. The Whitness
65. Toren
66. Starpoint Gemini
67. Brickforce
68. Cartel
69. Dragon Commander
70. GTR 3
71. Chivalry
72. Warp
73. Inquisitor
74. UFO 2 Extraterrestrials
75. Masters of the Broken World
76. Elemental Fallen Enchantress
77. Wargame European Escalation
78. Smite
79. Men of War Condemned Heroes
80. King Arthur 2
81. Tactical Intervention
82. Red Orchestra 2 Rising Storm
83.Ghost Recon Online
84. Shadowrun
85. Asylum
86. Cradle
87. The Dark Eye, Chains of Satinav
88. Dustforce
89. Syberia 3
90. Rfactor 2
91. Wildstar
92. BlackSpace
93.Sniper Elite V2
94. Continent of The Ninth Global
95. ArcheAge
96. Postal 3
its clearly pc has no market thats why this gen on pc we saw titles that never before been on pc like Street fighter and the upcoming Ridge racer. I can see it now. Totally justifiable It also lacks cinematic blur[QUOTE="adamosmaki"][QUOTE="ForzaGearsFace"]
Next generation is going to really hurt PC gaming as well....
it doesnt have a market like consoles do, yet hermits refuse to believe this to epic propotions.
Think it's the other way around, Steam alone totally dwarves anything that the big 3 have managed to offer on their systems.[QUOTE="ForzaGearsFace"]
Why do console gamers care so much about PC gamers and PC gaming in general? Give it a rest, seriously. Threads like this make consolites look stupid.
its systemwars, if you dont like it, im sory, its a legitimate statement.
Don't tell me it's System Wars. I've been here longer than you ever will. I'm not complaining about your statement. It annoys me as a console gamer that people give so much attention to PC gaming that it's just ridiculous.
Its getting less and less marketable, I really can see it fading even more, it will always be around, but the money is where everything is gonna go and thats console gaming.
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