Face it, it is true, PC Gaming lost all its interesting IPs and developers that people actually gave a fawk about, they all went to consoles where the money is at. Far Cry, BattleField, Crysis, Deus Ex, ID Tech, Epic Games, CD Projekt, BioWare, Bethseda, Infinity Ward, DICE, Techland, Arkane games and many others all ditched PC to go a platform where they're actually appreciated and make some actually money to make those epic block buster games. You PC gaymers claim it's consoles that are holding you back when really it is yourselves. If you guys didn't waste your money on crap from Blizzard and those over rated indie games you'd be getting epic games with graphics from those tech demos you get so horny over.
You're stuck with half arsed pay to win games and cheap $5 indie games, face it! CONSOLES ARE THE FUTURE!!!
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