It is official. PC gaming is dying with one of its major companies abandoning it. Not only is piracy killing pc gaming but the companies dont care about it anymore.The loss is not major however. Who needs Crysis,Stalker,WOW,EVE,Diablo,starcraft,dawn of war,Counter Strike, TF2,Guild Wars,Battlefield 2,2142,LOTRO,cryostastis,ect, when you have UNCHARTED 2 and its crysis killing graphics ( and 97 percent score. What is that? Crysis got a 90 and UNCHARTED 2 got a 97.
Check and mate
Thank you
This is just pathetic, did you even READ the article? It says Nvidia is dropping it's card because they can't compete with the ATI cards.
I mean are you honestly this......
The new ATI cards are 40nm, Nvidia's current cards are 55nm which means ATI can currently fit more transistors for less money onto their cards. This means for say a GTX 285 to compete with a 5850 Nvidia has to sell their cards at a loss. In 2 weeks from now ATI's new low end cards are to be released that will create the same situation for Nvidia's lower end card.
All this means is that if Nvidia wants to compete with ATI it has to sell it's cards at a loss so rather than do that they are pulling the cards.
How you connect this situation to a downfall of PC gaming is beyond retarded.
Go to newegg and search for the 5870, they can barely keep them on the shelve, better yet search for the more bang for the buck 5850 (OUT OF STOCK)
The high-end market has gone nowhere, it's just exclusively ATI's now because Nvidia is having massive problems manufacturing their new 40nm chips so they have no products to sell worth buying.
With people like you though, I really wonder if their making the wrong move here.
I mean if you are capable of being so .......... that you can connect this article to the death of the PC gaming market then surely there are plenty of suckers out there that would buy a GTX 285 for 300 bucks over the cheaper, faster, DX11, more energy efficient, more feature filled ATI 5850
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