Good 'ol SW. :roll:
I've only been here for a year though, so I wouldn't know what went on at the start of this gen.
It was great. "PC is doomed now that consoles do HD/online. Why would anyone need a PC? No one is gonig to spend $2K on a PC when you can get a 360 for $300! Devs are abonding the PC in droves, enjoy your ports!" ;)
Lol I remember at the start of the gen that 360 & PS3 were supposed to do 1080P, well at least the PS3 was. Console fanboys (and I do mean the fanboys) were going mental.
Now there is this thread on the front page of SW 'Will Xbox720 be able to output 1080P' or something like that and again some console fanboys (everyone knows who) are going '720P is more than enough, only hermits care about higher resolution'. Laughing my ass off.
Remember the cell was supposed to be able to do 1080p natively and give us 120 FPS :lol: those claims were so funny. And people really believed them. If they can't do it this gen then consoles are boned. I expect no less than 1080p from them. or at least get really high framerates at slightly lower than 1080. But never go back to 720, that just looks blurry these days
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