In the past 10 years, PC gaming has been enjoying a golden age that started in the late 90s. It was an era that if you missed it, you're never going to see anything like it again.
You're never going to see a game so perfect in design and balance, that 100,000 specators will gather to watch two players play eachother competitvely.(Starcraft)
You're never gong to see an FPS have so much emphasis on controlling gun recoil, and still become the most widely played online shooter in the world.
(Counter Strike)
You're never going to see another epic RPG that's designed to be played with one button.
(Diablo 2)
You're never going to see modding communities create games more popular then the orginial itself.
(Half-Life mods)
Now, FPS is all about perks and priced DLC. Now, RPGs are all about cookie-cutter moral decisions. Now, MMOs and RTS are to be designed around gamepads.
note: i'm not actually this pessimiesstic about console gaming, it's all for effect =p
Baldur's Gate, Unreal Tournament, Black and White, Deus Ex, Civilization, Total War games, Ghost Recon, Rainbow Six, Battlefield, Tribes, Thief, Jedi Knight, Warcraft 3, The Witcher -- gone, never to be seen again (anything like them that is -- you will surely see the franchises continue).
PC's golden age is over.
but maybe.....I'm wrong?
Starcraft 2, not merely a sequel to a game, but a continuation of a culture (competitive gaming).
Diablo isn't finished
Thief returns
WoW continues to dominate all over the world, and Blizzard is working on the next MMO..
Half Life 3? New Counter-Strike?
BattleField 3?
More Deus Ex?
Who knows what's in store for PC gamers, maybe the true golden age is only beginning?
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