Forget the miracle of child birth and the crackling sound that comes from opening a fresh beer. PC graphics take the cake for god's most astonishing achievement. I stand in total awe and amazement at the sheer magnificence wrought upon my monitor. Consolites don't know what they're missing.
As they argue over their inferior looking "graphics kings" (lol) like Gears and Uncharted, I can't help but stand by and watch in amusement and utter bewilderment, and it just tickles me pink knowing that these silly people are completely in the dark. They have no clue as to what qualifies as a truly good looking game. Oh but I hath seen the light. Yes, I was once one of these peasants, easily impressed by the most lackluster of visuals, but I have seen the way. I have walked through the valley of the shadow of death, and I have feared NO evil!
Do I miss my console? No, I do not. Sometimes while gaming on my champion rig I will look over at my feeble little PS3 in wonder, not for what it is but for what could have been. The kind of wonder triggered from a broken relationship that leaves you pondering how your life might have been had you not broke it off. But as always, those moments are fleeting, and you continue down the better path to true salvation and redemption.
It is no myth, PC gamers truly are the master race, and I am so proud to be one of them. Heed my words consolites, you haven't actually gamed until you're gaming in actual HD, with high res textures, 60 fps, and anti-aliasing. It's the only way to go.
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