Before we start I'd like to say yes, I own a "gaming" PC. It might not be the monster that some people here may have, but I own Crysis,
Crysis 2, The Witcher 2, Skyrim all on PC and I can play them all on medium to very high at 1080P at 45 to60+ fps. Are they beautiful and
stunning? Yes. Are they a "generation ahead" of PS3/360 games? Absolutely not. To put things in perspective here's what a "generational leap"
actually is:
Final Fantasy 12 (PS2)
Final Fantasy 13 (PS3)
Killzone 1 (PS2)
Killzone 3 (PS3)
Now if you ask someone to show you a PC game that is a Generational Leap above the best looking console games many of the less
reasonable PC enthusiasts will engage in a form of stealth trolling where they will find the absolute worst screenshot of a console game and
cram it at its native resolution into a much smaller Gamespot comment box, giving the most disingenuous representation of the games
appearance possible. Le'?s see what happens when we try this tactic on:
Crysis at ultra high settings:
Not very impressive is it? I wouldn't call that a very good representation of the games appearance would you? Then they will try and compare
these horrible pictures to unplayable mods and tech demos that are not even playable games. At that point you could literally just start
posting pics of Avatar or Shrek. Beautiful though they might be, games they are not. The fact is that there is no PC game that is a
generation ahead of these:
And why is that? When a PC can literally be infinitely more powerful than a console? Because game publishers can't afford to spend multiple
millions of dollars developing a game that can only be run on high end enthusiast gaming rigs. They would never see a return for their
investment. Even PC exclusives such as Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2 are graphically unimpressive because they are made to run on as many
computers as possible from a monster gaming rig to a netbook.
And that's exactly why, though games may look better on PC; while improved resolution and anti aliasing certainly help; at the fundamental
level they most definitely do not look a generation ahead. And they won't look a generation ahead until the next generation of consoles is in
full effect....
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