Best RPG: Diablo 3
Best Multiplayer: League of Legends
Best RTS: Starcraft 2
Best FPS games: MW3
Best MMORPG: WoW: Cataclysm Pandarian otw
Best Original Game: Minecraft
What more can i say folks PC is king of the gen right now not even close ps3 way behind xbox 360 who needs it an wii get outa here kid
am i right fellas?
Best RPG : Fallout series, Mass Effect series, Dragon Age, Elder Scrolls series, etc. Not sure I would put Diablo in the RPG category actually, nor at the top of any list.
Multiplayer : L4D2, MW3, BF3, Halo, Warhawk/Starhawk, MAG, Killzone 2, TF2
FPS : See above, add Rage, Deus Ex HR, Borderlands, etc
MMO : Eve Online, Guild Wars, Destiny (upcoming Xbox MMO) WoW is what 8 years old? It's still good but c'mon it can't be the best forever.
Original : Portal, Toy Soldiers, Trials, Flower, Journey, Mirror's Edge
BTW these aren't facts these are opinions.
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