Zelda TP, Mass Effect, Halo 3, Mario Galaxy, Forza 2,Metroid and thats just the Wii and 360 games.+ the sports games and fightings games like NBA 2k8, Tekken, Virtual Fighter etc etc which arent on PC.
What are the console only guys missing Crysis. I think Gamerankings has that at AA now. Besides RTS and expansion packs to half decade year old games really they arent missing out as much as PC only guys are.
IMO. Anybody else see it that way. At least the PC isnt the almighty system of gaming like the PC fans like to make it out to be.
It's easy to see that you don't know much about PC games. Crysis is definitely not the only or the best PC game this year. Mass Effect and Halo 3 are both coming on PC sooner or later. There's no good reason for PC gamer to own 360, because most of the AAA titles come on PC too. Just a bit later, but also more polished. Just look at Gears of War.
And rarely console guys have all the three consoles, so they are missing a lot more than just the PC games. And like I said before, there's a lot more than just Crysis.
At the moment I only own a Wii from the current gen consoles and if I'm going to buy another console later, it will be PS3.
The PC has 14 AAA's out of which 6 are exclusive and 8 are superior multiplats.anshul89
Oh this year? Because PC has 77 AAA titles overall.
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