Right now i only game on a windows pc . I had other systems but i no longer do . My bro has a ps3 and a 360 i had a wii. bro moved out and took his systems . i did buy a ps3 but was short lived cus my pc died so i needed money for a new one so i sold it . sold my wii as well
so here i am right now pc only gaming.
Pc really does have its advantages . but i still really miss console gaming . So many games i can't play that i want . no galaxy 2 no heavy rain no litle big planet and so on .
i am wondering why so many gamers pick pc only .
Pc has the most advantages but it also is by far the biggest pain
i hate windows 7 so much. windows is slow and unsafe to use
I dont like how pc is dead at retail i hate downloading games i want some thing for the cash i spend
I cant remember the last time i got a pc game that worked out the box . i have to wait until they fix the game . empire has 100s of bugs when it first came it . it was almost broken
pc has become less relevant where its advantages are not as big as they once were.
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