basically you don't have these games
destiny from the studio who made halo and marathon and myth and oni u dont hafve this game pc gamers just deal with that
u also do not gta 5 a game that came out 2.5 years ago on last gen systems and was already remastered on next gen
gta 3/san andreas an vice city all launched on pc the same time on consoles u explain that to me pc gamers u explain that one why the **** is gta sa/vc release on pc same day as consoles but now gta 5 took 2.5+ years u do the math there u work that shit out get a calculator out an do that math for me
bborne from the studio who did the hit dark souls every fucking gamer i run into talk about dark souls an how over powered the game is and its classic game in the spirit of nes where the game was hard an killed u constantly and doesn't careif u have to restart way back where u were at
this is how game is made its how a game is talked about its just everything about gaming blood borne dark souls ppl talk about it everyday in stores like omg that game is so hard damn yeah it is i like it
and FF15 we just saw the ramuh summon it looked like god of war 3 on steroids it was like a god huge went up the moon threw a lightning bolt with like firework particle effects next gen i had never seen anything like it
i found its not coming to pc form what ive heard its only running on consoles thats all i know thats all i fucking know so deal with that pc gimped no gfame race
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