more so then every other year....I just looked at the list of PC games in 08....and was surprised to see the huge amount of very high quality exclusives.
Starcraft 2 (made by almost guarenteed to score AAA)
Lich kind (same reson as above)
Spore (based on the originality, and its developer (will wright) I think most people will agree that this game is not only a very likely AAA game, but also to be GOTY 08)
Empire: Total War (this has always been a high AA/AAA series, this one is adding a major new feature (naval warfare) so I dont expect this one to be any different)
Warhammer: online (not alot of people know this, but only 2 MMO games have ever gotten AAA....those are WOW, and Dark Age of is the Dark Age of Camelot devs that are working on this game)
Guild Wars 2 (this one is probably the only one to not have either a well known developer, or a series behind it....but the first one scored a 9.2, and sold over 5 million....I hope this one wont be any different)
Sins of a Solar empire (not a lot of people know about this game...but its made by the same devs as galactic civilazation (scored AAA last year, and its expansion pack scored AAA this year) and also looks to be doing something extreamly inovative, by taking a 4X game (civ4, galactic civilation) and instead of making it turn based....having it be in real time....essencially creating an RTS with a huge amount of deph)
out of these I would put at least 4 (probably more) as being AAA... and there are plenty more AA exclusive candidates out there as I hope everyone can still see....PC gaming is very very far from dead...and like this year and every other year...will probably continue getting the most high scoring games.
out of these games...I would put at least 4 (I wouldnt be surpried if it was more) as AAA.
Farcry 2 (looks to be very inovative with its open world and dynamic story line)
Dragon Age (made by bioware)
STALKER clear Skies (not likely to be AAA...because of bugs....but the first game had gameplay that made it worthy of being an AAA game....but was held back by the graphics and most people can tell by the screenshots....Graphics are deffinetly not something keeping this game back)
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