Which is why I will be buying one of the new consoles this holiday season, rather than building a steambox like I had originally wanted.
Here's my anecdotal evidence:
I bought my son Sonic Generations last night because it was only sale via Steam, and he just absolutely loves Sonic. Well I got it all setup and ready to go for him this morning. Start screen was up, all he had to do was start the game. Well his grandma, who's watching him today, in the process of giving him the controller to play...did "something", and they could no longer play the game. Well now I get a text from my wife, asking me to call home and help them out.
Well, as it turns out, Sonic Generations was already running, but they were trying to reopen the game in Steam, and was promptly given the error message "Game already in process", or that's the gist of it. Ultimatley I was able to walk them through the process of switching back to Sonic Generations, and all is right in the world.
However...this kind of stuff is really a deterent for me going full blown PC in the living room. I've researched for countless hours, trying to configure a "console like" PC, with similar form factor and functionality. But at the end of the day, it's just too much work. And evidentally, even with Steam Big Picture Mode, Windows still manages to be the fly in the ointment.
This is a bit of a side rant here...but the above example, combined with many other irritations, has really led me to hate Windows. So many limitations. The only reason Windows is needed is because of Direct X. That's it. So PC gamers are stuck with this relic of an operating system, that Microsoft can't even manage properly. End of side rant.
TLDR version: PC's + Son + Grandma do not play well together. Consoles you have my money this holiday because of this fact.
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