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I usually never bad mouth a game just because I don't like it, but WoW is another story entirely. Everyone who plays that game is getting robbed every month. What is it, like $15 a month to play? Thats $180 per year to play ONE game!!! You cannot possibly justify that. If you bought it when it came out, in 2004 I think, you will have paid upwards of $720 by the end of this year to play it...NO GAME is worth that amount of money. I do not care about the content or whatever. There are so many RPGs out there that have a plethora of content that do not require a fee to play per month. There are even MMORPGs out there that are free every month (after the initial purchase). There is no way I would pay $15 a month to play any game...KSU-Wildcat
well 10 million people think spending 15 bucks a month is worth it.
I usually never bad mouth a game just because I don't like it, but WoW is another story entirely. Everyone who plays that game is getting robbed every month. What is it, like $15 a month to play? Thats $180 per year to play ONE game!!! You cannot possibly justify that. If you bought it when it came out, in 2004 I think, you will have paid upwards of $720 by the end of this year to play it...NO GAME is worth that amount of money. I do not care about the content or whatever. There are so many RPGs out there that have a plethora of content that do not require a fee to play per month. There are even MMORPGs out there that are free every month (after the initial purchase). There is no way I would pay $15 a month to play any game...KSU-Wildcat
15 dollars a month to have fun is not worth it? Damn I better stop drinking! I spend more than that in one day at the bar!
WoW is easily the most impressive game ever made, easily. Haters are mostly ignorant consolites, no offence meant, I'm a consolite just not restricted to only that, or people that haven't played the game or played it for a couple of hours, which is no way to "test drive" an MMO.
Runescape killed MMORPGs for me.flowdee79
don't mention that game! it's the epitimy of noobery and what is wrong with gaming
I played WoW for abourt 6 months, i think its probably the best MMO ever made.
I usually never bad mouth a game just because I don't like it, but WoW is another story entirely. Everyone who plays that game is getting robbed every month. What is it, like $15 a month to play? Thats $180 per year to play ONE game!!! You cannot possibly justify that. If you bought it when it came out, in 2004 I think, you will have paid upwards of $720 by the end of this year to play it...NO GAME is worth that amount of money. I do not care about the content or whatever. There are so many RPGs out there that have a plethora of content that do not require a fee to play per month. There are even MMORPGs out there that are free every month (after the initial purchase). There is no way I would pay $15 a month to play any game...KSU-Wildcat
Value is in the eye of the beholder. Just because you wouldn't pay a certain amount of money for something doesn't mean others wouldn't gladly do so.
I would gladly pay $100 or more for a new Tool album, but many people aren't even willing to pay the $12 price tag in stores. Curious, isn't it?
It and The Burning Crusade are the highest rated MMOs ever. Whats that say about other MMOs?Zero5000X
I love FFXI.
I usually never bad mouth a game just because I don't like it, but WoW is another story entirely. Everyone who plays that game is getting robbed every month. What is it, like $15 a month to play? Thats $180 per year to play ONE game!!! You cannot possibly justify that. If you bought it when it came out, in 2004 I think, you will have paid upwards of $720 by the end of this year to play it...NO GAME is worth that amount of money. I do not care about the content or whatever. There are so many RPGs out there that have a plethora of content that do not require a fee to play per month. There are even MMORPGs out there that are free every month (after the initial purchase). There is no way I would pay $15 a month to play any game...KSU-Wildcat
Translation: I'm clueless and never played the game.... Blizzard is CONSTANTLY adding new content, fixing thing, correcting things, you pay so the game doesn't become stale, and keeps evolving, if you didn't pay they'd just give a little something every once in a while, the support would be a lot worse. Why do you think people play for hours and hours a day for years? each his own I guess. I just don't think anyone in here can tell me how WoW is 12 times as good as any other game (according to price).KSU-Wildcat
I've played halo 3 for three months since it's release I've put down the game now.
I've been playnig WoW for 3 years and still going... I'd say WoW is better IMO
[QUOTE="Zero5000X"]It and The Burning Crusade are the highest rated MMOs ever. Whats that say about other MMOs?stepat201
That they're all crap. Not everyone who bashes WoW likes other MMO's. Infact most people who bash it,including me,hate MMO's.
Why do you hate MMOs?
[QUOTE="KSU-Wildcat"]I usually never bad mouth a game just because I don't like it, but WoW is another story entirely. Everyone who plays that game is getting robbed every month. What is it, like $15 a month to play? Thats $180 per year to play ONE game!!! You cannot possibly justify that. If you bought it when it came out, in 2004 I think, you will have paid upwards of $720 by the end of this year to play it...NO GAME is worth that amount of money. I do not care about the content or whatever. There are so many RPGs out there that have a plethora of content that do not require a fee to play per month. There are even MMORPGs out there that are free every month (after the initial purchase). There is no way I would pay $15 a month to play any game...Eddie-Vedder
Translation: I'm clueless and never played the game.... Blizzard is CONSTANTLY adding new content, fixing thing, correcting things, you pay so the game doesn't become stale, and keeps evolving, if you didn't pay they'd just give a little something every once in a while, the support would be a lot worse. Why do you think people play for hours and hours a day for years? know what ASSuming makes you, huh? Every single one of my roommates has the game, and I have made a character and leveled (correct terminology?) him to a 21. It was a Dark Elf (or Night Elf?) Warlock. I also made a Warrior, those huge pig guys, and lost interest when my seemingly 300lb monster sat there whomping a pink flamingo-esque animal ten or so times before defeating it. I then had to kill like 19 more...That was hardly worth the $50 admission, let alone the $180 per year to play it. Please don't assume people are not honest, you come off as arrogant. know what ASSuming makes you, huh? Every single one of my roommates has the game, and I have made a character and leveled (correct terminology?) him to a 21. It was a Dark Elf (or Night Elf?) Warlock. I also made a Warrior, those huge pig guys, and lost interest when my seemingly 300lb monster sat there whomping a pink flamingo-esque animal ten or so times before defeating it. I then had to kill like 19 more...That was hardly worth the $50 admission, let alone the $180 per year to play it. Please don't assume people are not honest, you come off as arrogant.
Credibility lost? Unless you mean bloodelf
I dowloaded the trial once.. Wasn't my thing. I only managed to get level 15 or so, but it was pretty much just a grind fest. I really don't understand why you would want to pay $15 a month.starwarsgeek112
Never try FFXI. 250 days into the game and still roughly around 3/4's of the way through missions on the 1st 3 expansions. WoW is considered easy in comparison to FFXI by many but cannot tell your from my own opinion as never wanted to try WoW.
[QUOTE="Zero5000X"]It and The Burning Crusade are the highest rated MMOs ever. Whats that say about other MMOs?stepat201
That they're all crap. Not everyone who bashes WoW likes other MMO's. Infact most people who bash it,including me,hate MMO's.
now thats just ignorace, do you just hate the PC or something?[QUOTE="KSU-Wildcat"] know what ASSuming makes you, huh? Every single one of my roommates has the game, and I have made a character and leveled (correct terminology?) him to a 21. It was a Dark Elf (or Night Elf?) Warlock. I also made a Warrior, those huge pig guys, and lost interest when my seemingly 300lb monster sat there whomping a pink flamingo-esque animal ten or so times before defeating it. I then had to kill like 19 more...That was hardly worth the $50 admission, let alone the $180 per year to play it. Please don't assume people are not honest, you come off as arrogant.
Credibility lost? Unless you mean bloodelf
If those are the "horde" elves, then yes.
As someone who played from day one, had three level 60's one of which was the 8th Warlock to hit level 60 on my server, and quit just before Burning Crusade come out (rair or die mentality killed it for me), my opinion on the game is... It's a very good game - long lasting, fun (for a while), and maddeningly addictive for the many, many times that it's not really fun... But it is one of the few actual good games that I can say that what I got out of it is not worth what it took from me.
Ah burning crusade would have been much nicer to you man, raid or die is basically none existant, many paths of progression for characters, I see what you mean though, if you really went by Pre-BC standards what you are saying is true, blizzard has done alot since then, making gold farming easier(hi dailies!),lowering raid numbers, introducing achieveable pvp gear etc etc.Took alot of grind out of the game which is a good thing.
[QUOTE="starwarsgeek112"]I dowloaded the trial once.. Wasn't my thing. I only managed to get level 15 or so, but it was pretty much just a grind fest. I really don't understand why you would want to pay $15 a month.Espada12
You mean like almost every other RPGS?
[QUOTE="Espada12"][QUOTE="starwarsgeek112"]I dowloaded the trial once.. Wasn't my thing. I only managed to get level 15 or so, but it was pretty much just a grind fest. I really don't understand why you would want to pay $15 a month.starwarsgeek112
You mean like almost every other RPGS?
That's the odd thing about WoW. At the early levels, the quests are pretty much the same, but once you reach the higher levels they truly became extremely varied.
[QUOTE="Shafftehr"]As someone who played from day one, had three level 60's one of which was the 8th Warlock to hit level 60 on my server, and quit just before Burning Crusade come out (rair or die mentality killed it for me), my opinion on the game is... It's a very good game - long lasting, fun (for a while), and maddeningly addictive for the many, many times that it's not really fun... But it is one of the few actual good games that I can say that what I got out of it is not worth what it took from me.
Ah burning crusade would have been much nicer to you man, raid or die is basically none existant, many paths of progression for characters, I see what you mean though, if you really went by Pre-BC standards what you are saying is true, blizzard has done alot since then, making gold farming easier(hi dailies!),lowering raid numbers, introducing achieveable pvp gear etc etc.Took alot of grind out of the game which is a good thing.
WoW is easily the most impressive game ever made, easily. Haters are mostly ignorant consolites, no offence meant, I'm a consolite just not restricted to only that, or people that haven't played the game or played it for a couple of hours, which is no way to "test drive" an MMO.
Or we're people who don't enjoy MMO's and hate seeing our friends lives wasted away as they play a videogame all day and do nothing productive with their life.
I dowloaded the trial once.. Wasn't my thing. I only managed to get level 15 or so, but it was pretty much just a grind fest. I really don't understand why you would want to pay $15 a month.starwarsgeek112You missed most of the game if all you saw was the grinding quests.
And yet, people bad mouth XBL. But hey, someone has to bash popular things to make themselves feel better.
IMO, WoW sucks :? My friend let me play his account for a month. I never opened up the game after the first day.
wow is no better than half the other mmos out there, its just more popular, and more popular =/= better.
EQ2 is equally if not better than wow alone, but it doesnt have warcraft in the name so no one cares.
Wow WAS absolutely amazing, then Burning Crusade came out and noobified it and made it a grind fest. Grinding for all those reps was a bad idea, murdering world pvp with flying mounts and adding a new continent, was a terrible idea. Getting rid of 40 man raids, destroyed a lot of guilds.
Pre-BC, it was amazing, now it's a grindfest.
[QUOTE="starwarsgeek112"]I dowloaded the trial once.. Wasn't my thing. I only managed to get level 15 or so, but it was pretty much just a grind fest. I really don't understand why you would want to pay $15 a month.ithilgore2006You missed most of the game if all you saw was the grinding quests.
WoW is easily the most impressive game ever made, easily. Haters are mostly ignorant consolites, no offence meant, I'm a consolite just not restricted to only that, or people that haven't played the game or played it for a couple of hours, which is no way to "test drive" an MMO.
Most impressive game?
Oh come on, it's a pretty good game, and might be the best MMO ever, but it isn't the most impressive game EVER made, far from it.
Say that on the PC Forums and you get more fanboyism and hatred than anything on system wars
sorry, i just couldn't resist
I usually never bad mouth a game just because I don't like it, but WoW is another story entirely. Everyone who plays that game is getting robbed every month. What is it, like $15 a month to play? Thats $180 per year to play ONE game!!! You cannot possibly justify that. If you bought it when it came out, in 2004 I think, you will have paid upwards of $720 by the end of this year to play it...NO GAME is worth that amount of money. I do not care about the content or whatever. There are so many RPGs out there that have a plethora of content that do not require a fee to play per month. There are even MMORPGs out there that are free every month (after the initial purchase). There is no way I would pay $15 a month to play any game...KSU-Wildcat
I cant justify £2 a week for a game that I play more than my entire console collection this gen combined and then some?
Paying £40 a month for 6-8 hour next gen games is 10x worse.
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