[QUOTE="Leejjohno"][QUOTE="DragonfireXZ95"]Okay, so I have three different people saying different things, this doesn't help at all. :PRingx55
People think how good a shot a unit is comes under AI, but it doesn't, practically speaking. All the devs have to do for that is tweak numbers as per difficulty. I wouldn't count enemies leading shots as "improved AI" either but that's me. If that was the case a game like quake III arena would have the best AI ever.
My reasoning for this that it maybe be "harder" but it isn't realistic to see AI like in COD4 who have rapid fire AKs with no recoil. That is ****y AI. Especially when we are talking about insurgents who are actually infamously bad shots in real life.
In the first Halo you could actually see AI being smart even in tight environments. All you need in Halo 3 is a battle rifle and you have pretty much beat everything except Hunters, which are just the ultimate tank unit.
Well, in my case for Halo 3 it seems to me that enamies take more cover and use more gernade eqipment etc... Dose that count as AI???
Yes, but I never observed that unless you count grunts retreating or cowering. When you crank up to legendary, there is so many enemies on screen at times it's probably hard for them to get to cover anyway.
All I am saying is in Halo 1 it doesn't matter what the environment, enemies seemed to take advantage. In open spaces they would utilise rocks, trees, higher ground etc. In doors they would still do okay at strafing shots at the same time as hugging walls or hiding to replenish shields. I found the Brutes to be push overs compared to elites in groups tbh.
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