I can't afford an iPhone, Android, or any other smart phone that is capable of playing what is considered "standard" games for the iPhone. I'll get that out right now. I have been grandfathered into a family plan where I don't have to buy a 3G subscription, so I'm very fortunate to be paying a reasonable rate for the crappy service that AT&T provides me. The games for iOS may be cheap, but the fact of the matter is that you still have to pay $100 or more for a decent enough phone to run them, and you have to pay at least an extra $15 a month for a data plan that in all likeliness is going to be crap and will barely be useful for anything with its tiny data cap. You could buy an unlocked phone, but then you can look forward to paying an extra $400 versus what you'd pay on a contract.
The biggest problem with phone gaming is that you have to put up with a phone company. If you have lots of money, that's fine, but for those few of us who fall through the cracks, phone gaming just isn't a viable option. My Blackjack II does two things: make calls, and send text messages. Maybe if I'm desperate I'll play Solitare on it or the pack-in demo for some crappy billiards sim, but that's about as much gaming I'll get out of it. But considering I pay about 1/8 for my bill what most people pay on their monthly iPhone bill, I am OK with that. Until the phone companies can figure out a way to make a smart phone that I can actually afford a monthly plan for, I am fine using my crappy old cell phone and carrying a handheld game system on those rare occasions that I expect I'll have enough downtime to play a game.
I know it may sound like I am whining, but I do sincerely think that phones are way too expensive right now and that the contracts are getting more and more unreasonable. I already get bad reception on my phone, so why should I pay even more to get a handicapped internet service on it? I'd rather save all that extra money I'd spend on a new contract and instead spend it on games for the systems I already have. The games on iOS may only cost a dollar, but a dollar's worth of games is probably all I'd be able to afford every month if I were to get an iPhone and a new contract.
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