A long answer for a simple yes and no question.......
Seems like a fine answer to me. Will Gears of War 5 ever appear on the PS4, perhaps not but at least he’s keeping it open as a possibility.
Come on now cows don't want Xbox games as it would mean they will have to play them which means they would have less time to jump on here and defend the PS4 games that don't play because they spend too much time here lol.
Not missing much with gears imo. I'm more hyped for halo infinite. I'll give gears 5 a try when it comes out but gears 4 didn't do it for me.
Forza would probably be a bigger pickup because besides gran turismo (which takes forever with each installment), playstation doesn't have many great racing games. Same can be said for Halo.
I know Phil is dancing around the answers, but if the new console flops, and all the game streaming shit fizzles, this is looking like a very real scenario.
@Pedro: He (and his bovine brethren) want Xbox to fail more than anything... this is what they stay up all night thinking about. They live for this fanboy sh*t. It's really quite sad, I feel sorry for them... lol.
@Pedro: He (and his bovine brethren) want Xbox to fail more than anything... this is what they stay up all night thinking about. They live for this fanboy sh*t. It's really quite sad, I feel sorry for them... lol.
I don't. The world needs losers. :P
@Pedro: He (and his bovine brethren) want Xbox to fail more than anything... this is what they stay up all night thinking about. They live for this fanboy sh*t. It's really quite sad, I feel sorry for them... lol.
I don't. The world needs losers. :P
Lol, true.
Come on now cows don't want Xbox games as it would mean they will have to play them which means they would have less time to jump on here and defend the PS4 games that don't play because they spend too much time here lol.
You spend just as much time on here as cows do sooooo...........
But I thought cows hated all Xbox games - systematically?
You thought wrong. I bought an X to play Halo, Gears, Ori, Sunset Overdrive and to try Forza Horizon(don't play racing games). Literally 5 games, but hoping there's more coming but very disappointed and regretful.
@me2002: 5 seems to be a magic number each console has exclusive wise that fans brag about. Bloodborn, Uncharted, Presona, Last of Us, HZD for Sony and Mario, Zelda, Pokémon, and probably 2 more not coming to mind from Nintendo. Obviously there’s others and depending on your tastes, can be more niche...oh, on all sides too.
So more or less saying if Sony allowed XBL on PlayStation he'd jump at the at it.
That still pretty much isn't going to happen because Sony wouldn't let MS put there service on Playstion to profit unless it was free like on PC.
So do cows like Gears of War now
Cool your jets lem. People want to see what Phil's stance is on putting Xbox's main line games on Playstation (I.E. going 3rd party).
Stop being so desperate guy. Gears itself is a MOVIE GAME so if cows did want it, this wouldn't be a change from the type of games we usually support.
It's lemmings like you who we should ask if you really want it since you guys bash Uncharted when Gears is the lesser quality franchise.
Not missing much with gears imo. I'm more hyped for halo infinite. I'll give gears 5 a try when it comes out but gears 4 didn't do it for me.
Forza would probably be a bigger pickup because besides gran turismo (which takes forever with each installment), playstation doesn't have many great racing games. Same can be said for Halo.
By "playstation doesn't have many great racing games", you mean, it doesn't have Forizon Horizon, right?
Cows can't handle a Gears game I mean, Gears has mooaar actual game-play than the entire Bore library, they'd be exhausted and quit Playing so ready to get back to Watching a Bore movie-game before the first level of Gears was over. lol :P
@BenjaminBanklin: LOL at you wanting the Xbox to fail so bad.
Awww. Look at him gettin' all scared. You know there's only been one successful Xbox console, right?
So do cows like Gears of War now
Uncharted series was Gears of War.
The only difference between the two is that I finished one of them. :)
And the major difference between the two is, one has a Lancer with chainsaw ;)
"At its heart, Gears 5 is an intensely personal story – one that challenges our characters like never before. Our returning cast, led by Laura Bailey as Kait Diaz, has set a new franchise standard for voice acting to both evoke these story themes and add new dimension to our characters. With Rahul Kohli joining Gears 5 as Fahz, he embodies a role that both brings a new perspective to our heroes and complements a cast chemistry that truly mirrors the bonds shared by our characters in-game."
Cows can't handle a Gears game I mean, Gears has mooaar actual game-play than the entire Bore library, they'd be exhausted and quit Playing so ready to get back to Watching a Bore movie-game before the first level of Gears was over. lol :P
But Gears has less gameplay than Uncharged ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I know Phil is dancing around the answers, but if the new console flops, and all the game streaming shit fizzles, this is looking like a very real scenario.
How much you hate Xbox makes me laugh, as well as makes me think you've never really owned an Xbox console xD. Seriously, no one who hates Xbox as much as you do would ever buy into it.
Cows can't handle a Gears game I mean, Gears has mooaar actual game-play than the entire Bore library, they'd be exhausted and quit Playing so ready to get back to Watching a Bore movie-game before the first level of Gears was over. lol :P
But Gears has less gameplay than Uncharged ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
On a side note from our conversation yesterday, perhaps my Mighty Anaconda is a pipe dream but it's early and all speculation but figured I'd share. :P
@SecretPolice: Pretty much.
I don't know if we'll get any official reports but unconfirmed sources have pointed to developers rejecting the 2 SKU idea that MS first spoke of.
I think we should thank the devs if that's the case.
Who wants to split development focus of a new generation with a weak base system to hold back the potential of the higher end consoles?
Overall that was a good move by MS and devs.
The weaker SKU was never a good idea for console development. Consoles aren't PCs with their generic development philosophy and unoptimized games for everything due to too many configurations. The benefit of console is that all the units are the same to make for highly optimized games, lower level units would only hold back that potential.
So more or less saying if Sony allowed XBL on PlayStation he'd jump at the at it.
That still pretty much isn't going to happen because Sony wouldn't let MS put there service on Playstion to profit unless it was free like on PC.
So do cows like Gears of War now
Cool your jets lem. People want to see what Phil's stance is on putting Xbox's main line games on Playstation (I.E. going 3rd party).
Stop being so desperate guy. Gears itself is a MOVIE GAME so if cows did want it, this wouldn't be a change from the type of games we usually support.
It's lemmings like you who we should ask if you really want it since you guys bash Uncharted when Gears is the lesser quality franchise.
Lol an eight word, half-baked post of mine: "cool your jets lem"
You are the meltdown king of 2019. Your meltdowns are so bad you think everyone else is having one. I don't even own an Xbox and I will never own one either.
I know Phil is dancing around the answers, but if the new console flops, and all the game streaming shit fizzles, this is looking like a very real scenario.
How much you hate Xbox makes me laugh, as well as makes me think you've never really owned an Xbox console xD. Seriously, no one who hates Xbox as much as you do would ever buy into it.
Well, you'd be wrong because I owned an OG box and a 360. It's only until Xbox One shit the bed that I hopped off. Then MS turned around and put the games on PC, therefore putting a nail in the coffin of ever needing to own the hardware. I don't think it's me you're mad at, it's Phil, for spreading Xbox around like a cheap hooker, making them less relevant in this business.
@jaydan: Lol he called you a lemming. It feels pretty funny to be called every sort of fanboy on this forum. Only one I haven't been called is a nintendo fanboy. Goals for the end of 2019 maybe?
On the topic, MS has explicitly stated that they want their games on PS4 and PS5. I am actually open to this and I would throw them all the respect for doing it. I think Sony should follow by putting their games on Xbox and Switch. People obviously want to play all the games, so why not make them widely available?
Believe me fellow cows, you don’t want a non epic made gears of war on any of our systems . I got gears 4 for free with my video card purchase and that gams freaking sucks . Now if it was geow 1 and 2 , that would be a different story because those games were Awesome.
@Pedro: @hrt_rulz01: What's even more sad is people entering a forum called system wars and telling people they shouldn't be fanboys of a system.
@SolidGame_basic: Yup, Forza in general is much better than Gran Turismo imo. It also releases more regularly.
I wouldn’t buy Halo or Gears but if it came to Plus or PSnow I’d try it out. But I rarely pay full price for any game anyway.
So more or less saying if Sony allowed XBL on PlayStation he'd jump at the at it.
That still pretty much isn't going to happen because Sony wouldn't let MS put there service on Playstion to profit unless it was free like on PC.
So do cows like Gears of War now
Cool your jets lem. People want to see what Phil's stance is on putting Xbox's main line games on Playstation (I.E. going 3rd party).
Stop being so desperate guy. Gears itself is a MOVIE GAME so if cows did want it, this wouldn't be a change from the type of games we usually support.
It's lemmings like you who we should ask if you really want it since you guys bash Uncharted when Gears is the lesser quality franchise.
Lol an eight word, half-baked post of mine: "cool your jets lem"
You are the meltdown king of 2019. Your meltdowns are so bad you think everyone else is having one. I don't even own an Xbox and I will never own one either.
You get labeled a fanboy based on how you post not what you own.
So own the lable on what you argue for proudly or stop posting like a salty xbox fanboy. Either or, but you don't get it 2 ways. Also, I didn't ask what systems you own because it doesn't matter on this board lem. :P
@boxrekt: actually no, it does not quite work that way. You're just a delusional cow on meltdown patrol and everyone in SW already knows that. Calling someone a fanboy for a company that they don't even support does not work that way. I get the gesture that a delusional cow must think that everyone that makes fun of a cow must be a lemming, but in reality that's far from the truth.
Hard pass on Gears 5. Now Master Chief Collection or Halo Infinite, those are entirely different stories.
@boxrekt: actually no, it does not quite work that way. You're just a delusional cow on meltdown patrol and everyone in SW already knows that. Calling someone a fanboy for a company that they don't even support does not work that way. I get the gesture that a delusional cow must think that everyone that makes fun of a cow must be a lemming, but in reality that's far from the truth.
But you came in the thread posting like a salty lem talking out your ass making a statement about "cows" that no one in the thread even suggested.
So do cows like Gears of War now
Cows didn't ask for Gears 5 moron, Phil Spencer was speaking on him wanting to offer it to Playstaion users.
There was a link provided to you lem, use it!
Claim not to be a lem all day, but the way you post says other wise.
I love how you call me a delusional cow when I actually own a gaming PC and you damage control for anything MS related and make rants about cows for no reason.
Guess you are actually delusional lem going by your logic.
I know Phil is dancing around the answers, but if the new console flops, and all the game streaming shit fizzles, this is looking like a very real scenario.
How much you hate Xbox makes me laugh, as well as makes me think you've never really owned an Xbox console xD. Seriously, no one who hates Xbox as much as you do would ever buy into it.
Reminds me of el tormented when he makes the claim he owned an Xbox 360, at launch. This from a cow that bashed the 360 to no end blasting every single feature and game. He also claimed how impossible it was to get it at launch yet he was able to purchase one? Hahaha cows are such clowns
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