thought it would be fun, for me it goes like this...
Wii-Mario Kart
Gamecube-Resident Evil 4 (even though it was on ps2 as well)
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thought it would be fun, for me it goes like this...
Wii-Mario Kart
Gamecube-Resident Evil 4 (even though it was on ps2 as well)
PC(This gen) - Mass Effect 2
PC(Last gen) - Half-Life 2
Xbox - Half-Life 2
Xbox 360 - Mass Effect 2
PlayStation 2 - Resident Evil 4
PlayStation 3 - Valkyria Chornicles
Gamecube - Resident Evil 4
Wii - Resident Evil 4
Gameboy Advance - Fire Emblem
DS - Final Fantasy IV
PSP - YS Seven
PS3 - Uncharted 2 (Maybe MGS4, but ill stick with Uncharted 2)
PS2 - Metal Gear Solid 3
Wii - Super Mario Galaxy 2 (DKCR (might) or LoZ:SS (probably will) take this place)
GCN - Baten Kaitos Origins (Wind Waker and some others might tie with it)
360 - Halo 3 (never played Reach)
Xbox - Halo
PC (This) - (Bad Company 2)
PC (Last gen) - (Battlefield 2142)
DS - Mario Kart DS
PSP - Peace Walker (I am assuming)
360: Halo 3
Wii: Super Mario Galaxy 2
PS3: Valkyria Chronicles
PS2: Shadow of the Collosus
Xbox: Halo: CE
Gamecube: Super Smash Bros: Melee
DS: Mario Kart DS
GBA: Golden Sun
PS3- Uncharted games/ God of War 3/Ratchet and clank
PS2- Final Fantasy X/ Ar Tonelico
PSP- God of war: ghost of sparta/FFV/KH
PS1- Digimon :P
DS- World Ends with you
This is going to be hard... especially for games from last gen.
Legend: This Gen, Last Gen
PC ~ Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, Minecraft
Xbox/Xbox 360 ~ Dead Rising, Forza Motorsport 3
PS2/PS3 ~ Shadow of the Colossus, Odin Sphere
GC/Wii ~ F-Zero GX, Donkey Kong Country Returns
GBA/DS ~ Metroid: Fusion, New Super Mario Bros.
PSP ~ DJ MAX Portable 2
Unfortunately, I haven't played much of the Xbox library, or any of the PS3 library to pass judgment on the games for those platforms, and have just substituted another title from the opposing platform. On top of that, I haven't played every game on every platform, and can only tell you what game I "most enjoyed" and not which game is "the best."
I guess you want a personal opinion?
PS3: Disgaea 3
x360: Halo ODST
Wii: Dead Space Extraction
NDS: Suikoden Tierkreis
iPhone: Mega Jump
PS3- Uncharted 2: MGS4 is an amazing end to the series, but it requires you to be a fan and to have played the other games in order to fully appreciate it. While Uncharted 2 does not do anything too new, it perfects what it offers and is proof that you don't have to do something new, just do something right, it also made just about every major publication forget all about a little game called MW2.
360- Gears of War: It might be heavily dated and the perfect showcase of a game made for people who don't know what a good story is, but it was damn polished and was able to stand toe to toe with Halo and take steam of PS3.
Wii- Super Mario Galaxy 2: Amazingly fun platformer that expands on SMG1 and adds a buttload of great gameplay with proof that Wii can stand against its hardcore console brethren in amazing exclusives.
PS2- GTA III: It single handedly changed gaming from childs play, to a deep medium for experimentation and mature storytelling that anyone can appreciate. After release it introduced a slew of copy cats and 3rd person open world environments were probably the biggest thing in any major gaming trend. Amazing story, amazing gameplay and a great overall package made Rockstar one of the biggest and most trustworthy companies as well as helping cement their tendency to push the limits (which Manhunt further pushed).
Xbox- Halo: No contest really, a launch shooter that saved the system from certain failure (or at least staved it off for 3 years) that changed the game for console FPS' and raised the bar for FPS games in general.
Gamecube- Resident Evil 4 (even though it was on ps2 as well): Not entirely exclusive, but the GC was a bit of a failure in the software department and overall I'd say it was one of the last generation's greatest games standardizing over the shoulder views and making the series a much more major player in the game world then ever before.
PC- Half-Life 2/Crysis: Last gen it perfected the FPS experience and this gen The Orange Box was one of the biggest titles in 2007. Of course since it isn't entirely exclusive and came out last gen, I'll also nominate Crysis 2, a fantastic game that pushed the limits and is exclusive, but I'll admit that I think it is highly overrated and that the story/AI/gameplay aren't too fantastic, the graphics are still amazing though.
Wii: Super Mario Galaxy 2
PS3: Valkyria Chronicles
360: Tales of Vesperia
GC: Super Smash Bros. Melee
PS2: Shadow of the Colossus
Xbox: Halo Combat Evolved
PC Pre 2005: Half Life 2
PC 2005 and later: Team Fortress 2
Last Gen: Thief Deadly Shadows
This Gen: Team Fortress 2
Wii: Metroid Prime Trilogy
PS3: Metal Gear Solid 4 (I only played 2 games on the PS3)
360: The Orange Box
PSP: God of War: Chains of Olympus (It is the only PSP game I played)
DS: Bangai-O Spirits (It is fun to play on the go.)
PS2: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Xbox: Halo: Combat Evolved
GCN: Paper Mario Thousand Year Door
Dreamcast: Sonic Adventure
GBA: Gunstar Super Heroes.
PS3: Uncharted 2
PC: Starcraft 2
360: Idk, my brother hogs it.
Last gen all I had was a GC.
GC: SSBB Melee
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