but really consider for piracy you need to have the technical knowhow, and a high speed internet connection (plus whatever dvds, drives, chips you need to purchase on top of that if its for consoles) in order to buy a used game which the developer only profited from once.. you just need the money and the ability to goto any retail game store.. and since many parents buy games and many parents are not tech savvy, many people opt for used rather than new or pirated games
really you're better off renting if you can't afford a game and want to support the developer
Perhaps if you live in North America or Europe... places like Hong Kong and Brazil have retail outlets and market stands that sell pirated games, for leauges cheaper than what they sell for at retail (which in turn is far higher than what they sell for here, as with the hardware, so it's no wonder people pirate things they can't afford in places like that).which is why those places are black markets
the equivalent to that here are bootleg movies and merchandise(mainly for tourists, more common in NY) but thats generally it
i see used games almost equally destuctive to the industry as piracy in america though
the people buying a used game are more likely the people in the market to purchase the product than say the pirates, more representative of a lost sale
"When you buy a used game your still supporting the gaming industry in some way, stealing does not."
not likely, you're hindering the industry(developers see 0% of the profit off of a used game, much less than rented).. you are supporting the retailers however (and the big ones, not the mom and pop ones)
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