Not to fear, I'm not targeting PC's only as the story ends with this...
EDIT: I should include the way it starts off..
"Piracy is "ruining" PC games and "forcing" them online, Michael Pacther has told Eurogamer.
The same thing happened to a piracy-riddled Asia which, in response, invented free-to-play gaming.
"Yes, piracy is ruining PC gameplay, and yes, it is forcing PC games online," Pachter told Eurogamer, as part of a wider investigation into PC piracy and DRM. "This happened in China 15 years ago, and in Korea in the last decade, and it's happening in the West now."
ENDS with this...
"But the PC isn't the only platform suffering here.
"Piracy exists on almost every console to varying degrees," said Svensson. "The only one I would say is fairly inconsequential to our business, as much as we can tell, is PlayStation 3. Obviously the PlayStation 3 was opened up [jailbroken], and through a variety of systems, Sony has managed to largely put that genie back in the bottle, to the point where the scene is nowhere near as large as it is on other platforms."
Matt Ployhar told us piracy had grown on console over the past decade, and demand for modded consoles that will play illegal copies of games is, in less established gaming markets, "strong".
In May this year, Lionhead said second-hand console game sales were a bigger problem than PC piracy. Many baulked at such a claim. But Matt Ployhar agrees.
"Secondary sales have been devastating to the console markets and continue to be a key detractor," said Ployhar. " While it's great for the EBGames/GameStops of the world, very little of that money ever trickles back down to the games ISVs if at all.
"You add up secondary sales plus growing piracy in the console space, which is largely subsidised by the content, and you have a very real threat to the continued existence of consoles being able to survive."
So, which is worse, PC or Console ? :P
The full Story,
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