I am willing to give up FPS and various graphic features that nobody notices for a bigger screen and will work on getting that 4K TV later or just convincing She Who Must Be Obeyed that plugging my high end PC in to our main TV is actually a good idea (that will never happen).
1. Bigger screen, but less game real estate in your vision. A great monitor will give you more of the game in your FoV. :) I guess it's great for the mental idea of "ooh bigger" though.
2. FPS = King. Giving that up as well as playing on medium/low just so you can use a " teh Big TV" from far away, but hey console is all about sacrifices.
2. People actually can notice the graphical differences for a majority of multiplats this gen. W3 is even moreso than those, since CDP go the extra mile for PC. I'm assuming why some peoplecan't is either bad eye sight or just flat out console fanboyism.
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