This is to give anybody who is looking to get a PS3 a look at its selection of games for Holiday '07 and 2008. Also for people who already owna PS3 to admire and gloat :P
So lets kick it off with2007!
Heavenly Sword:
Eye of Judgement:
Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction:
Unreal Tournament 3:
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune:
Gran Turismo 5: Prologue:
*food break :D*
Metal Gear Solid 4
Metal Gear Online ( not a seperate game, included with MGS4 ):
Killzone 2:
Little Big Planet:
Tekken 6:
Gran Turismo 5:
Final Fantasy XIII:
War Devil ( Yes, Its still alive :P ) :
Heavy Rain:
White Knight story:
Disgea 3:
Yakuza 3:
The Getaway:
Eight Days
Motorstorm 2
Resistance 2
L.A Noire
GOW 3?
Mulit-plats ( 2007 ):
Call of Duty 4
Assassins Creed
Mult-plats ( 2008 ):
Devil May Cry 4
Soul Calibur IV
Lost Planet
Orange box
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