- Difficult to budget for compared to two lower priced platforms.
- Frequent delays and remodels. Fluctuating price point.
- God of War 3 and Final Fantasy XIII not available until 2009.
- No Playstation Exclusives that have scored above 8.0 on Gamespot.
- No AAA exclusives when all reviews are averaged out on Gamerankings.
- The only platform not to win a Special Achievements Award in 2007.
- The only platform not to win a Genre Award in 2007.
- Multiplatform games such as Orange Box inferior on PS3 due to hardware.
- Poor sales and high development costs for developers cripple future third party development.
- Future multiplatform games such as Puzzle Quest available/announced for every platform except Playstation 3.
- Bluray and HD-DVD both won most useless technology of 2007 at CNET.
- The third console curse that has never failed to strike.
What an absurd way to make a purchase choice. The ONLY point TC got right was the expense of the PS3 making it a more difficult purchase for the average consumer. Though that gap has shortened since launch. But seriously. Going by publication and commitee awards? The average consumer doesn't care about that.
The "only GS score counts" is only valid on these boards for the purposes of flops and ownage, nothing else. The real world doesn't operate by this. And even if the system is last place in market share, that shouldn't matter to a gamer as long as they are getting enjoyment out of it. I'm sure Gamecube owners can attest to this.
And there ARE a few good games (even if not AAA, still enjoyable) to play before GoW3 and FF 13 release, including Heavenly Sword, Uncharted, and Ratchet.
PS3 may not be doing well in the market but the picture TC paints is ridiculously removed from reality, and even I being an X360 gamer can see that.
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