Well this thread kinda got jacked along the way... but it seems like the mmorpg market is in desperate need of anew WOW. I was an addict, but even with a 'leet' guild full tier 2 and all that stuff I still was tired of it even with the release of the BC.
There is already a large userbase of WOW that is considering ditching their beloved, albeit played out experience, for Warhammer online when it is released (the official forums were filled with links and long threads before they were banished to off topic and became a bannable offense), and I dare say that some might even leave for some console contenders from the 360/PS3 as well. They will never toppel the juggernaut that is WOW, but will taper off its population till it fades off into memory just like EQ has.
As far as depth/quests/storylines/and real rpg elements the original everquest is still the model that should be strived for... cept for the mind numbing leveling system. If either the 360 or the PS3 can show something new and different or even just streamline further as blizzard did (standing on the shoulders of giants and going mainstream with a solid well concieved and cleverly packaged product) they could syphon more players to the console mmorpg world and expand their market further.
Of course if something good enough comes along WoW could easily be wounded, but what WoW has proven in the MMORPG market is that it alone (due to Blizzard) has made itself the most accessible and polished MMORPG for a long time. I doubt most of the userbase is going to jump ship for just anything.
Also, the WoW general forums are a really bad indication of what the millions of players are thinking, since it's only a few thousand whiners spamming and complaining at best (the place explodes everytime they change a class).
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